AFL Releases Royalty Research – AFL

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour’s work has been driven by one crucial message: Albertans are the owners of Alberta’s plentiful non-renewable resources and therefore deserve a fair royalty […]

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DATE CHANGE: Labour Federation Releases Royalty Research – AFL

URGENT MEDIA ADVISORY For Immediate Release: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 When: 1:00 p.m. PLEASE NOTE: This date has been changed from a previous advisory. Monday, February 1, 2016 Where: Amber […]

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Labour Federation Releases Royalty Research – AFL

Media Advisory for Immediate Release Friday, January 22, 2016 When: 11:00 a.m. Wednesday, January 27, 2016 Where: Amber B room Matrix Hotel 10640 – 100 Ave. NW Edmonton Who: AFL […]

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Let’s Talk Royalties Backgrounder – AFL

WHAT IS HAPPENING? The new Government of Alberta – following through on an election promise – has appointed a Royalty Review Panel to ensure Albertans get a fair price for […]

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Albertans paying more for less

Provincial budget hurts front-line services as government blames workers Edmonton – Alberta’s 2015 budget shows that the government has public services in the crosshairs. The budget, tabled on Thursday, March […]

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Internal budget document contradicts misleading mail out

Province does not collect fair share for conventional oil and gas Calgary – Alberta is close to last place in collecting a fair share of royalties from conventional oil and […]

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2011 Combined Royalty and Tax Measure Chart

The budget document includes a chart showing that every U.S. state is ahead of Alberta in collecting a fair share. The measurement used – called Combined Royalty and Tax Measure […]

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Media Advisory: Rock-bottom Royalties Costing Albertan Billions

Government mail-out misleading about efforts to collect fair share for taxpayers Alberta is nearly in last place in collecting a fair share of royalties from conventional oil and gas. On […]

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Bitumen bubble B.S.


The government saw it coming according to documents The Alberta Federation of Labour claims the Alberta government was warned in 2010 a cut in energy royalties would result in a […]

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Angola profits more from oil than Alberta: AFL


The impoverished, war-torn African nation of Angola rakes in more oil profits than Alberta, argues the Alberta Federation of Labour. According to an April 2011 government review obtained by the […]

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Tories knew decision would lead to deficit

Internal report in 2010 warned of fiscal consequences from royalty cut Edmonton – Recently uncovered internal reports show that the Government of Alberta had long predicted this year’s deficits and […]

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Alberta facing questions on the prices of energy sources


The Province is facing some intense scrutiny on the prices of it’s energy sources. The criticism comes after a leaked report suggesting Alberta is not doing a great job at […]

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Alberta facing questions on the prices of energy sources


The Province is facing some intense scrutiny on the prices of it’s energy sources. The criticism comes after a leaked report suggesting Alberta is not doing a great job at […]

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Alberta’s largest union urges government to increase oilsands royalty rates


The Alberta Federation of Labour claims it has obtained a government report which shows the province is getting less for it’s heavy oil compared to other jurisdictions with a similar […]

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Angolans get more for their oil than Albertans

Albertans collect lower revenues from heavy crude oil than war-torn African nation Calgary – Albertans are getting less for our heavy crude oil than other nations with comparable resources, according […]

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Update: Alberta unions denounce ‘Klein-style cuts’ coming in budget


EDMONTON – In a show of unity, nurses, teachers and labour groups joined Monday to condemn “Klein-style cuts” they say are coming to public services in Thursday’s provincial budget. Premier […]

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Advocates spar over government investment in new bitumen upgraders


Report says Alberta will be upgrading 26 per cent of bitumen by 2025 EDMONTON – A labour group on Tuesday urged a government committee to support construction of new upgraders […]

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Alberta on pace for $3.5-$4 billion deficit: finance minister


A $2.4 billion drop in resource revenue has put Alberta on pace for a deficit of between $3.5- and $4 billion — one of the highest deficits in history, Finance […]

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Report says time running out for Canadian oil producers to access Pacific Rim


CALGARY – A research paper is reinforcing the idea that Canada’s resource industry is at risk of being left behind internationally if it doesn’t find a way to get oil […]

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Sales tax discussion dominates economic summit


CALGARY — Premier Alison Redford was ready to declare the inaugural Alberta economic summit a success Saturday even without a consensus from the prominent Albertans who spent the day hashing […]

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