Refine it at home to pop bitumen bubble: AFL


Alberta’s current financial woes may offer a silver lining, says the Alberta Federation of Labour. Two weeks after Premier Alison Redford warned the province that resource royalties were expected to […]

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Report says pipeline squeeze could be ‘devastating’ to Canadian economy


CALGARY – The inability to get western Canadian crude to the right markets is costing the country’s economy dearly, according to a new report paid for by the Saskatchewan government. […]

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Unions, economists blast Alison Redford’s budget plans


CALGARY – Public sector unions are bracing to fight impending provincial cutbacks driven by a multi-billion dollar cash crunch. And a prominent economist said Premier Alison Redford’s TV address to […]

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Public sector unions are girding to fight impending provincial cutbacks


Public sector unions are girding to fight impending provincial cutbacks driven by a multi-billion dollar cash crunch. And a prominent economist says Premier Alison Redford’s TV address to Albertans Thursday […]

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Unions, economists blast Alison Redford’s budget plans


CALGARY – Public sector unions are bracing to fight impending provincial cutbacks driven by a multi-billion dollar cash crunch. And a prominent economist said Premier Alison Redford’s TV address to […]

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AFL says it’s time Alberta raised taxes and energy royalty rates


The President of the Alberta Federation of Labour is offering some free financial advice to the Redford government as it wrestles with rising red ink. AFL boss Gil McGowan says […]

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The Mistake that Cost Norway Huge in Oil Wealth


Spooked by ’80s recession, it sped up extraction of crude worth way more today. Eighth in a series. There was a time when it made good sense to convert hard […]

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Redford cuts Asia trip short as Peter Lougheed tributes pour in

EDMONTON — Premier Alison Redford is cutting short her trip to Asia and returning home as a result of the death Thursday of her friend and mentor, former Alberta Premier […]

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Alberta to miss billions in Gateway pipeline royalties: study

Study Says Albertans won’t get their fair share of Royalties The Alberta Federation of Labour and the Parkland Institute have released a study that says Albertans could lose billions of […]

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News Local Joint study claims Gateway bad for economy


A joint study from the Alberta Federation of Labour and the Parkland Institute of Alberta have released a study arguing the province could lose billions in royalty revenue if the […]

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New Study Shows Billions in Lost Royalty Revenue After Northern Gateway

Industry data shows Alberta should have $1 trillion in Heritage Fund by 2045 Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) and Parkland Institute released a joint study today, showing […]

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New BRIK program too small to turn the tide of raw bitumen being sent south of the border for refining, says AFL

Thousands of jobs will continue to be lost down the pipeline as a result of government’s failure to adopt more aggressive policies The Alberta government has finally added flesh to […]

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Industry says implementation of oilsands strategy will be key

The province said its oilsands strategic plan announced Thursday will benefit both industry and the environment, while sending a message to the world that Alberta’s economic engine isn’t going to […]

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West guards energy riches: Stelmach warns premiers off cash grab

The premiers of Alberta and Saskatchewan scuttled notions of a national cap-and-trade program Wednesday, warning other provincial and territorial heads they consider it a thinly-disguised attempt to siphon their provinces’ […]

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Ed Stelmach’s refusal to act on the key issues of exporting bitumen and slowing the pace of development in the oil sands proves Tories have no real plan for managing the engine of Alberta…

If Albertans want to see what a real plan for the oil sands look like, AFL invites them to attend Black Gold, Clear Vision forums Whether it’s because he’s been […]

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Stand Up to Big Oil Scare Tactics

Since the release of the Royalty Review Panel’s report and final report (click here): big oil companies have been making threats about the “economic disaster” that will ensue in Alberta […]

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Changes to royalty regime could threaten viability of natural gas; Industry appeals for status quo as it struggles with exploding costs

CALGARY – Wholesale changes to Alberta’s royalty regime could threaten the viability of natural gas production in the province and raise rates for consumers, industry insiders told the Alberta government’s […]

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Alberta Government Should Consider Taking Equity Position In Oil Sands Projects, AFL Tells Royalty Panel

If major oil companies balk at paying higher royalty rates on oil sands projects, then the Alberta government should consider developing the resource themselves by working in equity partnerships with […]

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Labour spokesman wants premier to live up to promises

In the Old West, calling a man a coward was a shooting matter, and “Mr. Colt” usually had the final word. It’s unlikely, however, Alberta premier Ed Stelmach is toting […]

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Labour Economic Monitor (February 2007)

Labour Economic Monitor (February 2007) After over a decade of almost uninterrupted growth, Alberta is now entering the fifth year of an economic boom. Despite the mismanagement of the Klein […]

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