2013 Feb 26 Presentation to the Standing Committee on Alberta’s Economic Future on the Study of BRIK (Bitumen Royalty-in-Kind) Program

Speaking Notes Gil McGowan, President As elected officials from across the province, you all know that the majority of Albertans want to see more upgrading done within our borders. You’ve […]

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2011 May Join Together Alberta Campaign Launch

Speaking Notes Gil McGowan, President Our current provincial government wants Albertans to believe that these are tough times. They want us to believe that the recession has left them with […]

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2010 Nov Speaking Notes – Launch of REAL Pension Reform Campaign

Launch of AFL Real Pension Reform Campaign November 16, 2010 Matrix Hotel, Edmonton, Alberta Good morning and welcome. We’ve invited you here today because a crisis is looming: a crisis […]

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2010 Jun Speaking Notes – Presentation to Minister’s Advisory Committee on Health Care (MACH)

Good morning. My name is Gil McGowan and I am the President of the Alberta Federation of Labour. As most of you know, the AFL is Alberta’s largest organization of […]

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2010 Jun Speaking Notes – Presentation to Alberta Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on the Economy – Minimum Wage

Good afternoon. My name is Gil McGowan and I’m president of the Alberta Federation of Labour. As most of you know, the AFL is Alberta’s largest labour organization, representing 29 […]

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Speaking Notes – AFL-TWU Rally in Edmonton

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour Good evening and thank you all for coming. We’ve organized this rally tonight to send a message to Telus. And based […]

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2009 July Presentation City Council Public Hearing Transfer of Drainage Assets to EPCOR

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour Good afternoon. In a way, I am here today in two capacities. I’m here first as the President of the Alberta […]

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2007 April Statement Responding to New LRB Protocol on Consultations with Government

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Tuesday, April 3, 2007 Just under four years ago, the Alberta government introduced and passed a controversial law that radically altered […]

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2007 January Speaking Notes Public Interest Alberta Living Wage Media Conference

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, January 10, 2007 There’s no denying that times are good in Alberta. Unemployment is low, profits are high – and many […]

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2006 June Speech Canadian Institute’s Resource Industry

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, June 13, 2006 Sometimes life proceeds as expected – sometimes you get thrown a curve ball Getting an invitation to speak […]

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2006 April Presentation Edmonton Chamber of Commerce – Calculating the Real Costs of the Third Way

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, April 12, 2006 When it comes to politics in Alberta, there really have been only two issues that have dominated public […]

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2005 December Speaking Notes AFL All-union Meeting to discuss FOIP Revelations about the Labour Relations Board

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, December 2, 2005 Two-and-a-half years ago, the Alberta government made some sweeping changes to the labour laws covering health care workers […]

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2005 End the Drought Farmworkers Campaign Launch

Speech by Gil McGowanAt “End the Drought!” Campaign LaunchCalgary, August 20, 2005 Good morning. My name is Gil McGowan and I’m president of the Alberta Federation of Labour. For those […]

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2005 November Speaking Notes AFL First Contract Arbitration Campaign – Support the change that brings workplace peace!

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, November 14, 2005 Good morning and welcome. My name is Gil McGowan and I’m the president of the Alberta Federation of […]

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2005 October Speaking Notes Alberta Congress Board

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, October 28, 2005 Hello and welcome. As many of you know, my name is Gil McGowan, and I’m president of the […]

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2005 Oct Speaking Notes Federal Employment Standards Review

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, October 11, 2005 Good afternoon. Welcome to Alberta and thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. I’m here […]

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2005 June Speech OEM Rally

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, June 29, 2005 We’re here today because a crime has been committed. Laws that were supposed to protect workers have been […]

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2005 May Speech Don’t Cut Alberta Kids Out of National Day Care Campaign

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Campaign Launch News Conference, May 2005 (In the spring of 2005, the AFL joined Public Interest Alberta in launching a province-wide […]

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2005 March Speech Rally in Support of Finning Workers

Kerry Barrett, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, March 2005 We’re here today because you’re company – that company right there – is turning its back on you. Some […]

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2005 February Speech TWU Northern Alberta Reporting Meeting

Kerry Barrett, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, February 2005 Good afternoon. My name is Kerry Barrett and I’m here to bring greetings on behalf of the Alberta Federation […]

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2005 January Speech Calgary and District Labour Council AGM

Kerry Barrett, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, January 2005 Good evening and thank you for this opportunity to talk to you about the work of the AFL. As […]

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2003 November Speech Alberta New Democrat Convention

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, November 2003 Good morning. I probably don’t have to tell you that it has not been a banner year for labour […]

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2003 October Speech United Nurses of Alberta Annual General Meeting

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, October 2003 Good morning. It’s been 70 years since Alberta had a government that could even be loosely described as worker […]

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2003 August Speech International Forum on Privatization of Public Services

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, August 2003 (Oslo, Norway) Good morning and thank you for the warm welcome. As you’ve already heard, my name is Les […]

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