URGENT ACTION: Information picket in support of United Nurses of Alberta (UNA) strikers

Issue: Information picket in support of United Nurses of Alberta (UNA) strikers. Action Requested: Affiliates are urged to attend an information picket at Alberta Health Services headquarters. When:Friday, January 4th, […]

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Urgent Action: RALLY for CEP 52A Edmonton Catholic Support staff Friday, Sept 21 at 10:30 AM

Issue: RALLY for CEP 52A Edmonton Catholic Support staff Friday, September 21, 2012 at 10:30 AM Edmonton Catholic Support Staff are well into their second week of their strike. Friday’s […]

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URGENT ACTION: Show your solidarity with CEP 52A on the picket line

Issue: Support staff at Edmonton Catholic have overwhelmingly rejected the offer made by their employers, the Edmonton Catholic School Board. The employer refuses to negotiate the second year of wages […]

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URGENT ACTION: Edmonton Catholic Schools Support Staff, CEP Local 52A on strike

Issue: Edmonton Catholic Schools Support Staff, members of CEP Local 52A went out on strike today, September 10, 2012. They are on strike for negotiated wage increases and working hours. […]

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URGENT ACTION: UFCW 1118 on strike/lockout at Lilydale

Issue: UFCW 1118 on strike/lockout for fair wages and working hours since Saturday, August 25, 2012. Actions Requested: Support your sisters and brothers on the picket line at 127 Avenue […]

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Looking at Recall Vote as Drawing Lines for Fall

WASHINGTON — As a laboratory of democracy, the battle to recall Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin had all of the messy pieces: a clash of armies on the ground, the […]

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General Secretary of Colombian Sugar Cane Cutters’ union assassinated

Daniel Aguirre becomes the seventh Colombian trade unionist killed this year, and the 61st since Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos took office in August 2010. Colombia (07 May 2012) – […]

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The Wisconsin Story: Scott Walker’s Unprecedented Assault on Unions and Democracy And the June 5th Recall Vote

Wisconsin’s populist rebellion came after state GOP leaders attacked workers’ rights and dignity. March 23, 2012 | LIKE THIS ARTICLE ? Join our mailing list: Sign up to stay up […]

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BCTF announces action plan against Bill 22

The BC Teachers’ Federation revealed some elements of its new action plan to fight Bill 22 today, including the possibility of a full-scale walkout in the coming months. Union President […]

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Colombia: End harassment of trade unionists

A labour law case in Colombia dating from 2004 is still causing suffering to trade unionists, and a court ruling has still not been applied. In 2004, the Municipal Enterprises […]

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The Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Labour and Social Planning ordered a Mexican Consulate in Canada to conduct an anti-union campaign

Three former employees of the Mexican Consulate in Vancouver revealed before the British Columbia Labour Relations Board (in Canada) that they had received specific orders from Mexican public service employees […]

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B.C. public-sector unions look for pay raises after net-zero contracts

VICTORIA – British Columbia’s governing Liberals prefer the terms “net zero” and “co-operative gains” to describe their plans to rein in the cost of public-sector contracts, but unions say what […]

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Wisconsin Recall Election Dates Set

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), his lieutenant governor and four Republican state senators will face voters in recall elections this spring under an agreement approved today by a Dane County […]

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Reclaim Wisconsin: CUPE stands in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin

One year longer, one year stronger One year ago, after a month of extensive protest, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker illegally rammed through a union-busting bill through the state legislature in […]

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Hawaii Local Bridges Pacific

More than 3,800 miles of deep Pacific Ocean separate the remote tropical island of Guam and Honolulu, charter city of Local 1260, but that has not stopped the Hawaii-based local […]

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‘Burma sanctions must stay’: trade unions

Burma must take significant steps to end human rights abuses, especially forced labour, before the EU can consider easing further sanctions against Burma, a leading British union body has warned. […]

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New N.Y. Pension Plan Puts Workers Between Rock and Hard Place

A proposed new pension system puts the retirement security of New York firefighters, teachers, police officers and other public employees at risk, and the New York State AFL-CIO is fighting […]

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Union sues to block Indiana right-to-work law

INDIANAPOLIS – Union members went to federal court Wednesday to ask a judge to block Indiana’s new right-to-work law from being enforced, the first lawsuit and latest conflict over the […]

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Restoring Workers’ Rights

One million Canadians work in federally regulated workplaces. They deserve a government that respects their fundamental rights. Stop Federal Interference in Free Collective Bargaining Since winning a majority government, Mr. […]

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GOP seeks to loosen labor’s grip

Legislation would require workers to reaffirm unions with votes every 3 years In an effort to loosen labor’s grip on workers, two GOP lawmakers want legislation that would require workers […]

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Did Wisconsin Get Enough Signatures To Recall Nightmare Governor Scott Walker?

Yes! They did it! All of their heart and determination have paid off to the tune of ONE MILLION signatures. This means Scott Walker will be forced to defend his […]

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Ohio Experience as a Guide for Indiana Attack on Workers

In early 2011 as the Ohio legislature was considering a measure that would have stripped collective bargaining rights for public employees, thousands of outraged citizens protested at the statehouse in […]

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FACTBOX/ China labour strikes developments

China’s workers are increasingly voicing their discontent on labor conditions and pay, threatening to erode the nation’s competitiveness as a low-cost factory hub. Recent weeks have seen a series of […]

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Public Pressure Re-Opens Indiana Statehouse Doors

Caving into intense public pressure, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels (R) this morning rescinded an order that would have barred thousands of Hoosiers from the statehouse as the legislature considers a […]

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