How Liz Cheney Is Funding the War on Labor Rights in Ohio

Dick Cheney was once a union man—after flunking out of Yale, the future vice president worked as an International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers lineman in Wyoming—but now his daughter is […]

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Statement by AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka On Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street has captured the imagination and passion of millions of Americans who have lost hope that our nation’s policymakers are speaking for them. We support the protesters in […]

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Powerful unions join Wall Street protests: Lending institutional support, a diverse group of community organisations joins “Occupy Wall Street” march in New York

A diverse group of powerful unions has joined demonstrations in New York’s financial district, lending institutional support, public credibility and potentially thousands of participants to a movement that began with […]

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Huge NYC Union March Set to Spotlight Occupy Wall Street Protest

New York area union members will join an expected several thousand labor activists and supporters today in a Wall Street march and rally in support of the Occupy Wall Street […]

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AFL-CIO President Trumka sends list of killed Colombian labor leaders to Obama

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka sent a letter to President Obama on Monday expressing his labor federation’s opposition to the pending free-trade deal with Colombia. Included with the letter was a […]

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Georgia: Strike-breaking, union-busting, forced labour

Georgian workers continue to experience severe trade union repression at the hands of both the employer and the government. The latest attack comes at Hercules Steel, a Georgian-Indian joint venture […]

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Mexican Electrical Workers finally win recognition and settlement

For over two years Mexico’s Electrical Workers Union (SME) has been fighting their government’s persecution and attempt to annihilate the union. Finally after two years of incredible struggle, and with […]

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Air Canada customer service workers can keep pension plan: arbitrator: Arbitrator sides with union over issue that led to three-day strike

The union representing Air Canada’s customer service workers can keep its defined benefit pension plan, an arbitrator has ruled. The controversial issue played a key role in the union’s three-day […]

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Saskatchewan Federation of Labour files in union lawsuit against provincial government

Over the summer months, the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour and 25 additional plaintiffs (SFL et al.) filed their legal argument in the Saskatchewan Court of Queen’s Bench related to the […]

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Hyatt’s Subcontractors Are Destroying Good Jobs

On August 31, 2009, Hyatt fired its entire housekeeping staff at three non-union hotels in the Boston area, replacing women who had worked at Hyatt for decades with workers from […]

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Defeat of SB 5 could embolden private-sector unions, Kasich warns

CLEVELAND — Gov. John Kasich said today that a Republican loss on Senate Bill 5 this fall could make it easier for private-sector workers to unionize. Speaking to about 250 […]

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Government continues to target the Mexican Electrical Workers Union (SME)

Since October 2009 the Mexican Electrical Workers Union (SME) has been one of the primary targets of the Mexican government’s attack on Freedom of Association. Most recently, the government has […]

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Union Job Helps

My husband and I have worked to raise our three children to the best of our ability. At times we have struggled to keep food on the table, clothes on […]

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ACT NOW: Stop union busting at YATAŞ Furniture Company in Ankara

A common pattern of union-busting in Turkey conducted against the BWI-affiliated Wood Workers’ Union (AĞAÇ-İŞ) in Ankara. AĞAÇ-İŞ is affiliated with Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions (TÜRK-İŞ) at the national […]

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Viewpoint: Let’s Learn the Right Lessons from Wisconsin

The struggle in Wisconsin was the awakening that labor movement activists had hoped for—disproving the modern notion that those who work will not stand up for themselves. Several hundred thousand […]

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Georgetti: Labor Must Win Class War

Workers in the United States and Canada are in a class war declared by big business and we’re losing, Ken Georgetti, president of the Canadian Labour Congress, told delegates. “It […]

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Colombia: Mineworkers’ Leader Murdered

17 August 2011: The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has joined with its Colombian affiliates, CUT, CGT and CTC, in firmly condemning the killing, on Tuesday 26 July in El […]

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Ohioans Vow to Keep S.B. 5 Repeal Fight at Full Speed

Gov. John Kasich’s S.B. 5 and Republican lawmakers must be feeling the heat. Recently, 1.3 million Ohioans signed petitions to put on the November ballot the repeal of a law […]

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Wisconsin Voters Set to Defend Two Pro-Worker, Anti-Walker State Senators

Today, Wisconsin working families are going to the polls to defend two state senators who stood up to Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) attack on workers. Democratic state Sens. Jim Holperin […]

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Handicapping the Wisconsin Recall Elections: Badger State Democrats are trying to win at least three recall race on Tuesday. What are the odds?

Never before in American politics have voters recalled more than two state legislators in a single year. That record could be broken on Tuesday, when Wisconsinites vote to decide the […]

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Will Voters Boot Wisconsin Republicans? 7 Things to Know About Tuesday’s Recall Elections

This Tuesday, six Republican state senators who supported Scott Walker’s radical agenda face recall. Here’s what you need to know about the issues at play. August 5, 2011 | Tuesday, […]

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Malawi: Respect Human Rights and Allow Peaceful Protest

LabourOn 20th July 2011, civil society organisations, including the trade union movement headed by the ITUC-affiliated Malawi Confederation of Trade Unions (MCTU), took to the streets to advance legitimate calls […]

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Labor’s Decline and Wage Inequality

The decline in organized labor’s power and membership has played a larger role in fostering increased wage inequality in the United States than is generally thought, according to a study […]

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Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity Begins Six-Figure Ad Buy for GOP Recall Candidates

Six-Figure Ad Buy for GOP Recall Candidates Wisconsinites See Why ‘David Koch’ Was Told ‘Thanks a Million!’ By Walker During Prank Call As Pro-Republican AFP Spending Tops $500,000 in Wisconsin […]

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