AFL-CIO, Club for Growth help heat up recall elections

MILWAUKEE – Rallying the troops, Wisconsin’s AFL-CIO is pouring tons of resources into the state to oust six Republican senators in next month’s recall elections. “People are passionate about the […]

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Conservative government out to undercut unions, critics say

NDP labour critic Yvon Godin is not alone in his assessment of a bleak future for unionized workers. “This is only the beginning — no matter what,” the New Brunswick […]

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Teachers Union Facing Crucial Decisions

The newly seated Chicago Board of Education may have won the first battle with Chicago teachers this week when it rescinded a 4 percent pay raise, but it may also […]

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Government Will Review AFL-CIO Complaint Against Bahrain

The AFL-CIO today applauded the U.S. Department of Labor’s decision to accept its complaint regarding the government of Bahrain’s failure to live up to its trade agreement commitments with respect […]

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Ltr to Honourable Ed Fast re: CETA from Trade Justice Network

click here for PDF of letter June 15, 2011 The Honourable Ed Fast Minister of International Trade Government of Canada Ottawa, ON / fax (613) 996-9795 Dear Minister Fast, […]

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CUPW locked out by Canada Post

Issue: 48,000 members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) have been locked out by Canada Post Actions Requested: Help them on the picket lines in your area. In […]

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Voice Of Kazakh Protest Gaining Strength

When a few hundred oil workers in southwestern Kazakhstan launched a strike to demand higher wages in early May, no one expected the protest would last long or have much […]

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Wisconsin State AFL-CIO Donations

DONATE HERE – Thank you everyone for the outpouring of support. ONLINE: Click here to make donations by PayPal or any major credit card. CHECKS can be made payable to […]

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Wisconsin GOP to strip collective bargaining rights in state budget; transit workers exempted

(Russ Feingold speaking at the ongoing “Walkerville” protests in Wisconsin against the Republican state budget) With time running out before the recall elections and the legal battle over collective bargaining […]

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Rallies Target Republican Lawmakers

Now that the state budget has received a stamp of approval from the Joint Finance Committee, the war of words is heating up once again. This time in the form […]

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Strange Sound from Millionaires: ‘Tax Me’

It’s the 10th anniversary of the Bush tax cut for millionaires, and some millionaires say enough is enough. They’ve bought enough boats, added enough wings to their mansions and put […]

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Walkerville Survives the Storm, Can Wisconsin Survive Walker’s Budget?

Day six of the Walkerville tent city protest has seen overwhelming support from Wisconsin workers, students and community members. Over the course of the week, thousands of Wisconsinites have gathered […]

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ILO Takes Big Step Toward Domestic Workers Rule

Devon Whitman of the AFL-CIO Field Department reports on a huge victory for domestic workers at the International Labor Organization (ILO) meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. Last night, following a week […]

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Renewed strikes met with police aggression

Egyptian workers take to the streets, defying the controversial anti-strike law, as they call for better working conditions but the police use force to cut out their voice Late afternoon […]

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The State of Labor in Iran’s Oil and Petrochemical Industry

Translator’s note: On May 24, a massive explosion and fire at a newly inaugurated oil refinery in Abadan led to the deaths and injuries of an unknown number of workers. […]

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1,000 March Against Walker’s Budget

More than 1,000 Wisconsin firefighters, nurses, farmers and community members marched through Madison today to the Capitol Square to protest Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) extreme and anti-middle class budget. The […]

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Walker Removes Painting of Homeless/Low-Income Children from Gov.’s Mansion

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) apparently doesn’t want to be reminded of the people who will feel the sting of his budget cuts. It was revealed last week that Walker, […]

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Bahrain puts medical staff on trial for treating injured protesters: Security court deals with 47 doctors and nurses accused of participating in efforts to remove monarchy

Doctors and nurses who treated injured anti-government protesters during the unrest in Bahrain went on trial in a security court on Monday accused of participating in efforts to overthrow the […]

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Protesters Pitch Tents In Madison To Oppose Budget: Protesters Call Tent City ‘Walkerville’

MADISON, Wis. — Those against Gov. Scott Walker’s budget proposal are settling in for the long haul, pitching tents at the Capitol Square. The lines have been drawn and the […]

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Wis. State Rep. Up for Recall Fears Workers

This just out. According to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Wisconsin Republican state Sen. Dan Kapanke, who’s facing a recall election after voting to kill collective bargaining rights for public employees, […]

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Kapanke hopes public employees “are sleeping” during recall vote

State Sen. Dan Kapanke, a Republican facing a possible recall election, says he’s got one huge obstacle that he must overcome to keep his seat. All the government workers in […]

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Judge strikes down Walker’s collective bargaining law

A Dane County judge struck down Gov. Scott Walker’s controversial collective bargaining law on Thursday, ruling that a legislative committee law violated the state’s open meetings law when it hastily […]

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Wealthy Voucher Donors Getting Choice Policy Payback: School privatization supporters outspend opponents $3 to $1

Madison – Supporters of Milwaukee’s school choice program spent more than $3 million in 2009 and 2010 to help elect Governor Scott Walker and much of the GOP-controlled legislature while […]

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Defend trade union rights in Turkey – stop mass criminal indictments of union members and officers!

111 trade union leaders and members, including the President of the IUF-affiliated TEKGIDA-İŞ along with four other national officers of the union and 12 branch presidents, and current and former […]

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