Workers must be heard in TFWP Review – AFL

Canadians cannot allow business lobbyists to dominate discussion of guest-worker program Edmonton – The Federal Government must listen to working Canadians, not just employers when they review the Temporary Foreign […]

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2015 Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan on the federal government’s April 1 TFW deadline

Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan on the federal government’s April 1 TFW deadline On the eve of the federal government’s April 1 deadline for Temporary Foreign […]

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Harper government offers TFW loopholes to low-wage employers

“Cynical, sneaky and mean-spirited” move on TFWP breaks promise to Canadians by extending work permits and “fiddling” with caps Edmonton – The Harper government has caved in to pressure from […]

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Ironworkers protest against jobs being given to TFWs instead of qualified local tradespeople

Edmonton – Workers in Edmonton took to the street on Thursday to protest the fact that they’ve been passed over for jobs on the city’s new arena. Instead of hiring […]

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Canadian workers sidelined as arena construction done by TFWs

Edmonton – Some of the work on Edmonton’s new downtown arena is being done by Temporary Foreign Workers from the U.S. despite the fact that hundreds of qualified local ironworkers […]

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Government should reject desperate bid for cheap labour

CFIB admits TFWP a disaster for Canadian workers Edmonton – The CFIB’s proposal for the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) would allow the foxes to guard the henhouse. On Monday, […]

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November 2014: Parkland Conference: People vs. Profiteers; Energy East wrong type of petroleum infrastructure; Immigration – and TFWP – must remain a federal responsibility; did you k…

Urgent Action People versus Profiteers: Demanding justice and equity The Parkland Institute’s Annual Fall Conference will explore why, at a time of remarkable wealth production, the money seems to be […]

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Prentice plan to re-open TFW floodgates would be bad news for working Albertans

Documents released by AFL show TFWs are being used to suppress wages in oil sands-related construction; some businesses fill more than half their jobs with TFWs Edmonton – Internal government […]

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2014 Backgrounder: Construction Trades ATIP Requests

2014 Backgrounder: Construction Trades ATIP Requests Backgrounder Issued with AFL News Release: Sep 26 Prentice plan to re-open TFW floodgates would be bad news for working Albertans

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2014 Backgrounder: ATIP Documents on Employers with TFW-Dominated Workforces

2014 Backgrounder: ATIP Documents on Employers with TFW-Dominated Workforces Backgrounder Issued with AFL News Release: Sep 26 Prentice plan to re-open TFW floodgates would be bad news for working Albertans

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MEDIA ADVISORY: Evidence shows Prentice Plan For TFWs potentially catastrophic for workers

Alberta Federation of Labour unearths documents showing scope and effects of Temporary Foreign Worker program EDMONTON – Internal government documents paint a clear picture of the terrible consequences for working […]

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2014 Backgrounder: Alberta Pilot for Occupation-Specific Work Permits

2014 Backgrounder: Alberta Pilot for Occupation-Specific Work Permits News Release: Sep 4 TFW Pilot Project Oversight ‘fell between the cracks’

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TFW Pilot Project Oversight ‘fell between the cracks’

Work permits that allowed unqualified workers to create unsafe conditions must be revoked Edmonton – According to the architects of the disastrous TFW Pilot Project, the buck stops nowhere. Follow-up […]

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Lives Are At Stake If Government Doesn’t Fix Foreign Worker Fiasco

AFL calls on federal AG to investigate safety concerns surrounding fast-track program for TFWs in oil sands construction EDMONTON – Worker safety is being put at risk by lack of […]

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2014 Overview of locations and jobs where TFWs were paid less than Canadians

Overview of locations and jobs where TFWs were paid less than Canadians Supporting document to News Release Aug 15: Alberta companies given green light to underpay thousands of TFWs

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2014 LMOs issued for less than prevailing wage rates

Internal FOIP Documents: 2014 LMOs issued for less than prevailing wage rates Supporting document to News Release Aug 15: Alberta companies given green light to underpay thousands of TFWs

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AB companies given green light to underpay thousands of TFWs 2014

Evidence shows Harper government continues to allow TFW program to undermine Canadian wages Edmonton – The wages of Canadians are continuing to be undermined by the Temporary Foreign Worker Program […]

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2014 Fact Check: Candidates for Premier Look to Open TFW Floodgates

For Immediate ReleaseTuesday, July 15, 2014 Candidates for Premier Look to Open TFW Floodgates PC Leadership contenders all buy into bogus labour shortage claims Edmonton – Ric McIver is using […]

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2014 Fact Check: Wages Stagnate For Alberta’s Least-Paid Workers

PC Leadership candidate misinformed about how much employers pay Edmonton – Tory Leadership Hopeful Thomas Lukaszuk is incorrect in his assertion that employers are offering higher wages to attract workers. […]

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Low-wage employers in Alberta are blowing smoke when they whine about labour shortages

Examination of Alberta jobs data shows that labour shortage claims from groups like CFIB are nothing but hot air Edmonton – The federal government should tell low-wage employers and the […]

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Alberta construction jobs still being given to TFWs at less than half the going rate

“Smoke and mirrors” cleanup of the TFW program allowing good jobs to disappear like magic Edmonton – Good Canadian jobs continue to vanish into thin air as if by magic […]

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