2014 Backgrounder: Construction Trades ATIP Requests

2014 Backgrounder: Construction Trades ATIP Requests Backgrounder Issued with AFL News Release: Sep 26 Prentice plan to re-open TFW floodgates would be bad news for working Albertans

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2014 Backgrounder: ATIP Documents on Employers with TFW-Dominated Workforces

2014 Backgrounder: ATIP Documents on Employers with TFW-Dominated Workforces Backgrounder Issued with AFL News Release: Sep 26 Prentice plan to re-open TFW floodgates would be bad news for working Albertans

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Prentice plan to re-open TFW floodgates would be bad news for working Albertans

Documents released by AFL show TFWs are being used to suppress wages in oil sands-related construction; some businesses fill more than half their jobs with TFWs Edmonton – Internal government […]

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2014 Fact Check: Candidates for Premier Look to Open TFW Floodgates

For Immediate ReleaseTuesday, July 15, 2014 Candidates for Premier Look to Open TFW Floodgates PC Leadership contenders all buy into bogus labour shortage claims Edmonton – Ric McIver is using […]

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2014 Fact Check: Wages Stagnate For Alberta’s Least-Paid Workers

PC Leadership candidate misinformed about how much employers pay Edmonton – Tory Leadership Hopeful Thomas Lukaszuk is incorrect in his assertion that employers are offering higher wages to attract workers. […]

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Government allows thousands of employers to underpay TFWs

“Government shouldn’t be in the business of helping employers keep wages low,” says AFL EDMONTON – An audit of the Temporary Foreign Worker program (TFWP) reveals that thousands of employers […]

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2014 Backgrounder_Alberta Employers with LMOs allowing them to pay less than “prevailing market wage”_2014Apr25

Backgrounder_Alberta Employers with LMOs allowing them to pay less than “prevailing market wage”_2014Apr25

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Problems with TFW program extend beyond food services sector

AFL reveals hundreds of unlawful TFW permits issued by Minister Kenney EDMONTON – Problems with the Temporary Foreign Worker program are not limited to the food service industry. An Alberta […]

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AFL Sounds Alarm on Expansion of Child Labour

Jobs Minister floats suggestion to increase scope of jobs that 12-year-olds can be hired into Edmonton – Alberta’s largest worker organization is asking the province to take the expansion of […]

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Alberta budget based on lies

Government puts itself on “collision course” with workers Edmonton – Today’s provincial budget is a flawed document designed around false economies and myths about public-sector workers. During his budget speech, […]

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Alberta Public-sector wages are “statistically indistinguishable” from private sector

U of T study busts myth that public-sector wages out-of-line with the private sector Edmonton – Alberta’s public-sector workers are paid, on average, the same as their private-sector counterparts, according […]

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2014 Backgrounder: Public-sector Wages

AFL Backgrounder: Public-sector Wages March 5, 2014

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Yet another group of Canadian Tradesworkers displaced by low-cost TFWs on Oil Sands construction site

Employers are becoming emboldened as Harper Government continues to turn a blind eye to abuse of TFW program Edmonton – The time has come for Canadian construction workers to express […]

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The two faces of Premier Redford

Generosity for an overpaid inner circle while freezing workers’ wages Edmonton – Premier Alison Redford offered a fierce — and disingenuous — defense of high salaries for her inner circle […]

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URGENT ACTION ALERT-UPDATE: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46!

Action Request: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46! When: TONIGHT Wednesday, December 4, 2013 7:30 p.m. *Seating provided on a first-come, first-serve basis Where: Alberta […]

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Unions urge Redford to suspend debate on Bills 45 and 46 to avoid a “generation of poisoned labour relations”

AFL and unions next in line for bargaining say a task force on public-sector labour relations is needed to rebuild trust Edmonton – The leaders of the Alberta Federation of […]

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URGENT ACTION ALERT: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46

Action Request: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46! When: TONIGHT Tuesday, December 3, 2013 7:30 p.m. Where: Alberta Legislature Gallery 4th Floor, Legislature Building (10800 […]

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URGENT ACTION ALERT: Rally against the Provincial Government’s Bill 45 and 46

Action Request: Rally against the Provincial Government’s Bill 45 and 46 When: TODAY – Monday, December 2, 2013 Where: CALGARY – MacDougall Centre 455 – 6 Street SW, Calgary 6:30 […]

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Alberta Government breaks promises – and laws – with wage freeze legislation

Edmonton – The Redford wage freeze breaks promises and breaks laws. The legislation, which the government tabled on Wednesday, will ignore the bargaining rights of hundreds of thousands of Albertans […]

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2013 Fact Sheet 4_Breaking a Promise and Breaking the Law-Public Sector Wages

2013 Fact Sheet 4_Breaking a Promise and Breaking the Law-Public Sector Wages 4 of 6 fact sheets issued

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