2013 Fact Sheet 5_Breaking a Promise and the Law_Public Service Stretched

Fact Sheet 5_Breaking a Promise and the Law_Public Service Stretched_2013_Nov27 5 of 6 fact sheets issued

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2013 Fact Sheet 2_Breaking a Promise and Breaking the Law-Supreme Court_2013

Fact Sheet 2_Breaking a Promise and Breaking the Law-Supreme Court_2013_Nov27 2 of 6 fact sheets issued

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2013 Fact Sheet 3_Alberta Economy Booming

Fact Sheet 3_Alberta Economy Booming_2013Nov27 3 0f 6 fact sheets issued

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Urgent Action Alert: Stop The Wage Freeze Rally

Action Request: Stop The Wage Freeze Rally When: Wednesday, November 27, 2013 at 2:30 p.m. Where: Legislative Assembly of Alberta 10800 – 97 Avenue NW, Edmonton Issue:The Government of Alberta […]

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Money Talks, Thanks For Listening

Wealthy Canadians Praise PM’s Promotion of Plutocracy Calgary – Policies that are gutting the Canadian middle class are awesome, according to the nation’s ostentatiously wealthy. At a rally at 1:00 […]

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Media Advisory: Money Talks, Thank You For Listening

Satirical protest parodies Prime Minister’s policy of plutocracy At a rally at 1:00 p.m. sharp this Halloween, a satirical protest performance will take place outside the BMO Centre in Calgary. […]

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Union leaders urge Loblaws to avoid strike

Superstore will face boycott if workers are not offered fair deal Edmonton – Union leaders representing more than 250,000 Alberta workers urged Loblaws CEO Galen Weston Jr. to present a […]

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Alberta’s minimum wage remains worst in Canada

Edmonton – The Redford government is raising the minimum wage next week, but Alberta’s lowest-income earners will still be the worst-paid in Canada. As of September 1, the provincial general […]

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Kenney teams up with CFIB to perpetuate labour shortage myth

Minister should be ashamed of Twitter tag-team to peddle TFW expansion and other bad policies Edmonton – A Twitter forum organized by the Harper government and the Canadian Federation of […]

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Federal government will close wage gap for temporary foreign workers

OTTAWA — Changes to the ailing temporary foreign worker program unveiled Monday are little more than an admission of error and fall short of the massive overhaul the Conservative government […]

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Temporary Foreign Worker Program: Conservative government must fix what it broke

Unions and migrant workers’ advocacy groups warned Human Resources Minister Diane Finley of potential for abuse. Last year the government announced changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP)Temporary Foreign […]

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Federal program being misused?

The controversy over the outsourcing of dozens of Canadian jobs by the Royal Bank of Canada has put the spotlight on the much bigger issue of how Canada’s Temporary Foreign […]

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Will work for less: a primer on temporary foreign workers

Earlier this week, news broke that RBC plans to hire 45 temporary foreign workers through iGate, an IT contractor, to fill positions of employees who say that, in fact, they’re […]

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Rise in foreign temp workers questioned by labour groups

Labour economist says program allows firms to keep wages low The Alberta Federation of Labour called for an inquiry Tuesday after it obtained a government list of more than 4,000 […]

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Reality Check: Census data casts doubt on Fraser Institute’s assertion that Alberta’s Public Servants are overpaid

Contrary to the Fraser Institute’s assertions, Alberta public-sector workers are not paid more than their private-sector counterparts, according to information obtained by the Alberta Federation of Labour. The 2006 Census […]

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Hiring of temporary foreign workers raises hackles in Alberta

Significant numbers of temporary foreign workers continued to move to Alberta even as the economy shed jobs during the recession, says a new report from the province’s largest labour group. […]

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Right-wing front groups step up the war on women’s wage equality

So-called ‘studies’ on public sector workers really an attack on women’s pay Edmonton – On International Women’s Day, the Alberta Federation of Labour released a new study of women in […]

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2013 Backgrounder_Study_Attacks on Public Sector Workers Target Women’s Wages

2013 Backgrounder_Study_Attacks on Public Sector Workers Target Women’s Wages March 2013

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‘This budget will bite’: Alberta Federation of Labour

EDMONTON – There’s no denying the public sector took a hit in the 2013 Alberta Budget. In fact, Gil McGowan, the President of the Alberta Federation of Labour claims Thursday’s […]

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Redford accused of picking a fight with labour


Alberta Premier Alison Redford, desperate to cut costs amid a ballooning deficit, is angering the very labour groups she coveted for support during her leadership bid and last year’s election. […]

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AFL targets royalties and upgrading at economic summit

Federation president to set the record straight on bitumen glut Edmonton – AFL president Gil McGowan will be tackling Alberta’s revenue problem this Saturday at the Alberta Economic Summit. The […]

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AFL says it’s time Alberta raised taxes and energy royalty rates


The President of the Alberta Federation of Labour is offering some free financial advice to the Redford government as it wrestles with rising red ink. AFL boss Gil McGowan says […]

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Alberta leading race to the bottom

Province’s minimum wage again the lowest in Canada Edmonton – Alberta has reclaimed the dubious distinction of having the worst minimum wage in the country. On Saturday, Dec. 1, the […]

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