Alberta to increase minimum wage to $9.40 on Sept. 1, booze servers to get less

EDMONTON – Alberta is raising its minimum wage, but too late for students working summer jobs who will be returning to school this fall. The general minimum wage will rise […]

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Minimum-wage raise welcomed, but program seriously flawed, says AFL: Further delay in implementing raises is ‘mean spirited,’ says Gil McGowan

Today’s announcement that minimum-wage levels in the province are going up has been welcomed by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), but the labour organization has serious concerns over details […]

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Raising minimum wage a dilemna

The Alberta Federation of Labour thinks the province’s minimum wage is too low, and it wants Alberta Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk to do something about that before he […]

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Message to Minister Lukaszuk: Raise minimum wage before you resign to seek Tory leadership

Minmum wage should be raised now, before thousands of high school students get summer jobs, says McGowan EDMONTON – Before he steps down to pursue the leadership of the PC […]

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Show us the money

You know you’re getting older when you can recall the minimum wage for Ontario in 1976 was $2.15. But the cost of living back when Disco was the music of […]

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March 2011: Wisconsin protests; forklift safety; Alberta govt failing to collect billions; equality still a dream in Alberta; IAMAW 99 fight against CLAC

Workers’ rights under attack! From Wisconsin to Egypt, from Mexico to Canada, the rights of workers are under attack. The right of public-sector unionized workers to bargain collectively has been […]

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Women salaries trail male counterparts

A lthough International Women’s Day has passed, it’s important to continue to strive for equality. Case in point: a press release from the Alberta Federation of Labour, which shows that […]

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Alberta women falling behind: AFL

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is lobbying the province to name a minister for the Status of Women. The AFL says Alberta women continue to suffer inequality, especially in […]

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Alberta women falling behind, say union leaders: Labour calls for government action to end gender inequality

Today, more than a dozen MLAs are hearing from union leaders calling for a minister to be made responsible for the Status of Women in the province. “Alberta’s women continue […]

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AFL calls for immediate minimum wage hike

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is calling on the province to immediately increase the minimum wage. It’s a move they say is long overdue. The current minimum wage in […]

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Government urged to act now on minimum wage and ease poverty: Two-year delay in raising the level of pay for lowest earners “inexcusable,” says AFL

Alberta’s poorest workers continue to endure unnecessary hardship and poverty thanks to a two-year delay in increasing minimum wage by the Alberta government. “Alberta’s minimum wage has been stuck at […]

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Alberta’s earnings gap between women and men largest in Canada: Women participating in the workforce at higher rates than ever; inequality persists

Edmonton – As women’s workforce participation in Alberta has increased, so too has earnings inequality, according to the Alberta Federation of Labour. While today’s Statistics Canada report on Women and […]

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2010 Jun Submission to Standing Committee on the Economy: Minimum Wage Review

2010 Jun Submission to Standing Committee on the Economy: Minimum Wage Review

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July 2010: McKesson Canada strike; Jobs crisis continues; Minimum wage; IAMAW rally in Calgary

McKesson Canada workers hit the picket lines in Edmonton 213 members of UFCW 401 at McKesson Canada in Edmonton are on strike, with the issues including wage parity with employees […]

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Minimum Wage Increases Do Not Lead to Job Loss: AFL analysis shows service industry employment has increased after minimum wage adjustments

CALGARY – New Alberta Federation of Labour research shows employment in service industries actually grows after minimum wages increases, said AFL president Gil McGowan in his presentation to a government […]

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2010 Jun Speaking Notes – Presentation to Alberta Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on the Economy – Minimum Wage

Good afternoon. My name is Gil McGowan and I’m president of the Alberta Federation of Labour. As most of you know, the AFL is Alberta’s largest labour organization, representing 29 […]

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March 2010: Budget is cutting budget; Alberta women falling behind; Sklar Peppler boycott; Join Together Alberta

Despite all the spin, the recent budget is a cutting budget While the Stelmach government boosted health-care spending and held the line on education spending, in other ministries it was […]

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Alberta Women Are Falling Behind: Gender issues met with “deafening silence” in government

Whether there’s a boom or a bust, the economic reality facing women in Alberta is that they are falling further and further behind men. A new study by the Edmonton-based […]

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Minimum wage to remain the same

The Minister of Employment and Immigration Thomas Lukaszuk announced recently that minimum wage in the province would remain at $8.80 per hour, dismantling a system of wage increase less than […]

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Minimum wage freeze unfair: AFL

While the provincial government is lauding its decision to freeze minimum wage, one labour group claims the government is playing politics with the wages of low income earners. The province […]

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Low-income workers take a hit for business

EDMONTON – When Fazal Hussein found out that Alberta’s minimum wage was frozen Friday, he thought: “Great. Food stamps, here I come.” The 19-year-old clothing retailer wants to get his […]

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