Labour Economic Monitor (Fall 2006)

Labour Economic Monitor (Fall 2006) The general picture of the Alberta economy is very positive: sources from the business press to Statistics Canada are celebrating the boom, and the data […]

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Some Boom – Wages Up a Measly 1.4%

The first issue of a new quarterly publication from the Alberta Federation of Labour finds that weekly wages in Alberta are only up 1.4% in 2006, after accounting for inflation. […]

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The sky isn’t falling on Alberta’s labour market – yet

But it may be time to slow pace of oil sands development When it comes to discussions about the labour force in Alberta, it’s hard not to be reminded of […]

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2006 June Speech Canadian Institute’s Resource Industry

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, June 13, 2006 Sometimes life proceeds as expected – sometimes you get thrown a curve ball Getting an invitation to speak […]

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2005 Oct Speaking Notes Federal Employment Standards Review

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, October 11, 2005 Good afternoon. Welcome to Alberta and thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. I’m here […]

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Reflections on Labour Day

Will our children have the luxury of lounging by the lake? Or will they be worrying about where the next pay cheque will come from? It’s Labour Day again – […]

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Tories should stop patting themselves on the back for increasing minimum wage

EDMONTON – In his annual address to the province last night, Alberta Premier Ralph Klein promised to help low-paid workers by increasing the minimum wage. But anything less than a […]

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Real Wages in Alberta Falling – a Wake-up Call?

The Alberta Federation of Labour has released data showing that real, inflation-adjusted wages in the province have fallen for the second year in a row, and for the fourth time […]

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Economic boom times have not led to rising standards of living for most Albertans, says report

EDMONTON – What do ordinary Albertans have to show for a decade of unprecedented growth and prosperity in their province? As it turns out, very little. In a new research […]

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Wages stagnate in Alberta despite economic boom

Something is wrong in Alberta. Over the last decade, while the economy boomed and industry thrived, real wages in the province stagnated. Real wages (adjusted to constant dollars to correct […]

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St. Anne? Give me a break!

If you were in Edmonton during the week or two before Christmas you can be forgiven for thinking that some miraculous change had transformed Alberta’s political landscape. The headlines in […]

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Running to stand still: How Alberta government policy has led to wage stagnation during a time of prosperity

Running to stand still: How Alberta government policy has led to wage stagnation during a time of prosperity Albertans are entitled to ask: “What’s going on? How can the most […]

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2003 November Speech Alberta New Democrat Convention

Les Steel, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, November 2003 Good morning. I probably don’t have to tell you that it has not been a banner year for labour […]

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Real wages plummet in Alberta despite current economic boom

If you’re finding it more and more difficult to keep up with the bills each month, you’re not alone. Recently released figures show that the amount Albertans earn each week […]

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Many miles still to go in quest for real equality

EDMONTON – There is still a lot of work to be done when it comes to guaranteeing real equality for women in the workplace and in their communities, says Kerry […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour Year End Statement, December 2002

The Alberta Federation of Labour expects 2003 to be a year of intense activity on the labour relations front. AFL President Les Steel points to high inflation and slow wage […]

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Abandon public health care and education at our peril new study says

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) has produced a new research study examining the economics of public education, public health care and other social programs. The book demonstrates that these […]

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Tories continue to ignore the sacrifices made by majority of public sector workers

EDMONTON – The provincial government’s budget does not set aside nearly enough money to cover long-overdue wage increases for the majority of public sector workers, says the Secretary Treasurer of […]

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“This election is about bread and roses,” says Cormack

EDMONTON – “On March 12th the Conservatives are going to realize how their policies have impacted women in the province. Women are working, and they are voting. This election is […]

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Cormack applauds federal pay equity settlement: urges Alberta to follow federal lead

EDMONTON – The federal government has finally acted in an appropriate manner in its pay equity dispute with its own employees, says Audrey Cormack, President of the Alberta Federation of […]

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Cormack urges federal government to “stop dragging its feet on pay equity”

EDMONTON – The time has come for the federal government to stop dragging its feet on the issue of pay equity for public employees, says Audrey Cormack, president of the […]

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Latest minimum wage increase offers little cause for celebration

EDMONTON – Starting October 1, Albertans earning the minimum wage will see a slight boost in their earnings – but the increase offers little cause for real celebration, says the […]

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Unions more important than ever, says report

CALGARY – In the turbulent workplace of the 1990s, workers in Alberta need the kind of protection that unions provide more than ever. That was the central message of a […]

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Missing out on the Boom: A report card

Missing out on the Boom? (A Report Card on Jobs, Wagds and Economic Security in Alberta) In the next twenty pages, we will provide an update of the economic “snapshot” […]

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