Aspen Foundation Annual Appeal – AFL

Dear Friends: As Albertans and Canadians we have developed a society that has deeply held beliefs in the importance of caring for others and cooperating to improve our lives. One […]

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Federal job training plan bad for Alberta

Canada Jobs Grant will take from the poor, to give to the rich Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is asking Premier Alison Redford to refuse the Canada […]

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Federal funding end forces energy group merger

Petroleum Human Resources Council acquired by Enform Canada CALGARY — The end of the $17.5-million federal sector council program has forced the marriage of the oil and gas industry’s safety […]

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Federal budget skills training plan embraced by Alberta business groups

CALGARY – Alberta business groups say a rejigged skills training program included in the most recent federal budget could offer some relief for the province’s tight labour market. Travis Davies […]

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Editorial: Canadians expect a balanced workforce


Immigration Minister Jason Kenney continues to remove barriers to ensure Alberta’s oilsands and construction industries have access to the skilled tradespeople they need. Last week, Kenney expanded a pilot program […]

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Alberta relying on bogus labour shortage figures

AFL says government is wrong and Chartered Accountants are right: labour shortage fears are overblown EDMONTON-The Alberta Federation of Labour released internal government documents today, showing claims of a catastrophic […]

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Foreign trades workers paperwork load downsized


Faced with a looming labour shortage in a perpetually expanding economy, the door is opening wider for temporary foreign workers specializing in six in-demand trades, announced federal immigration minister Jason […]

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Journeymen can now supervise up to two apprentices

Journeymen in Alberta will now be allowed to supervise up to two apprentices. The rules changed on January 31st, increasing the ratio from 1:1. Even though critics say safety will […]

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June 2010: Which Way Will We Pay?; Health-care public meetings; Public education petition

Which way will we pay for our vital public services? Despite all the media reports and shrill calls for cuts, Alberta does not have a spending problem, it has a […]

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Alberta cutting training programs amid zero job growth: New AFL research shows Alberta cut job training by $23 million despite increased need by aboriginals and young workers

EDMONTON – Alberta is the only province in Canada that hasn’t seen job growth since last summer, but the province is cutting employment training programs by more than $20 million, […]

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Workers to showcase prowess: Calgary plays host to the Olympics of skills, trade and technology this week

It’s hailed as the Olympics of skills, trade and technology, a chance for competitors to showcase their talents as they embark on in-demand careers. The WorldSkills Competition also highlights the […]

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Oct 2008: New government safety ads fall flat; Unions and coops; National boycott of Petro-Canada

New Government Safety Ads Fall Flat New, gory health and safety ads from the Alberta government aimed at young workers strike the wrong chord with workers. The new, web-only, ads […]

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Contract worker crushed to death by giant truck

The 40-year-old contractor killed on an oilsands site Tuesday was crushed by a giant dump truck. “He was run over by the heavy hauler truck,” Workplace Health and Safety spokesman […]

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Many questions, no answers in death of young worker crushed by forklift

The death of a teenager working at a building material supply store near Edmonton last month is raising questions about the need to improve Alberta’s safety code. Mitchell Tanner, 16, […]

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Federal government’s regulation of Red Seal qualifications draws skepticism

The electricians’ trade union in Alberta is screening some new immigrants because of concerns over certification. Some Chinese immigrants are seeking high-paying employment on oilsands projects as electricians, but the […]

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Death preventable?

Students at Paul Kane High School in St. Albert have created a memorial at the school for Mitchell Tanner, 16, killed on the job in a lumberyard at the local […]

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Alberta on-job deaths up 24%: Poor training of new workers blamed for rise

The number of workplace deaths in Alberta soared 24 per cent in 2007 — to one of the highest numbers on record — highlighting occupational dangers and inadequate safety training […]

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Conference Board Report “Ludicrous” in its Labour Shortage Estimates

The Alberta Federation of Labour reacted swiftly today to the release of a new Conference Board of Canada report saying that by 2025, Alberta will have an annual shortfall of […]

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2006 June Speech Canadian Institute’s Resource Industry

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, June 13, 2006 Sometimes life proceeds as expected – sometimes you get thrown a curve ball Getting an invitation to speak […]

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Government and business Reaping What They Have Sown in Over-heated Labour Market

CALGARY – Unreasonably low royalty rates and years of under-investment in trades training have combined to create the tight labour market that so many Alberta business leaders and politicians are […]

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Beyond Chicken Little: Understanding the need for measured reforms to Alberta’s system for skills training

Beyond Chicken Little: Understanding the need for measured reforms to Alberta’s system for skills training When thinking about Alberta’s labour market recently, it’s hard not to be reminded of the […]

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Business and government have it wrong on labour shortage concerns, says AFL

EDMONTON-Alberta’s largest union organization, the Alberta Federation of Labour, weighed into the debate over skills shortages today by unveiling a detailed new policy paper, entitled “Beyond Chicken Little: Understanding the […]

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