Report of the Alberta Auditor General (April 2010) – Occupational Health and Safety

Write Employment and Immigration Minister and the Premier! Apr 15, 2010 Issue: Report of the Alberta Auditor General (April 2010) – Occupationa Health and Safety Action Requested: Write the Minister […]

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The lives of thousands of working Albertans are being put at risk by government’s shocking reluctance to enforce its own workplace safety rules

AFL calls for immediate implementation of Auditor General’s recommendation for a crackdown on employers who repeatedly break the law Yesterday’s report from Alberta’s Auditor General reveals a fundamental flaw that […]

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Farm fatalities fall to 13 in 2009: Industry awaits word on changes to safety rules

Thirteen Albertans died of farm-related injuries last year, including a six-year-old boy who was kicked in the head by a horse and a 76-year-old woman who was crushed by a […]

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2004 January Analysis AB New Health and Safety Code Highlights and Low Lights

2004 January Analysis AB New Health and Safety Code Highlights and Low Lights

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2003 November Response to Administrative Fines Discussion Paper

2003 November Response to Administrative Fines Discussion Paper

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Construction industry had most workplace fatalities in Alberta

The construction industry had the highest number of workplace fatalities of any sector in Alberta in 2009, but this figure is the lowest in the last five years. Alberta’s Ministry […]

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Fewer workplace deaths, fewer prosecutions: Alberta gov’t not serious enough about safety violations, critics say

For the first time in years, fewer Albertans lost their lives last year in work-related deaths as a global recession slowed production and squeezed people out of tens of thousands […]

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Staying home when you’re sick not so easy in Alberta

Thanks to the H1N1 virus, society is finally coming to understand how critical it is to prevent the spread of viral infections.It’s unfortunate that it took a real global threat […]

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Major Calgary companies on watch for H1N1: Labour group concerned about unpaid leave

CALGARY – Corporate giants in Calgary have yet to see an uptick in employee absenteeism as flu season, and H1N1 in particular, arrives, but continue to monitor the situation closely […]

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AFL pushing for changes to cope with H1N1

The Alberta Federation of Labour is pushing for change in the wake of the H1N1 pandemic. Concerns are being raised about why front-line workers like police and EMS have not […]

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Labour calls for law to aid workers with flu

The Alberta Federation of Labour called on the provincial government Wednesday to amend the labour code to protect workers who take days off with the H1N1 virus. “We don’t think […]

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Follow the doctor’s orders on H1N1 and lose your job!

AFL calls for changes to Employment Standards Code that would make it easier for people to stay home from work when they’re experiencing swine flu symptoms If the Alberta government […]

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The Flu, you & your job

The Alberta Federation of Labour wants an emergency meeting with Employment Minister Hector Goudreau to push for changes in legislation to protect workers who follow medical advice and stay home […]

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Residents in Alberta’s smaller centres want better access to H1N1 vaccine

EDMONTON – Alberta Health Minister Ron Liepert said today hospital emergency wards and medical clinics are experiencing an increase in patients and inquires connected to H1N1 concerns. The influx is […]

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Workers with no benefits debate staying home sick

Alberta needs legal protection for workers who don’t have sick leave benefits but are being urged to stay home if they’re not feeling well, particularly in flu season. Health professionals […]

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3 investigations launched into collapsed Alberta stage

EDMONTON — Three parallel investigations have been launched by the Alberta government into the fatal stage collapse at the Big Valley Jamboree during Saturday’s severe storm in Camrose, Alta. Occupational […]

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Alberta ski resort penalized for death: Sunshine Village must pay $250,000

CALGARY – Sunshine Village Corp. has been ordered to pay more than $250,000 in fines and penalties in connection to the 2004 death of a ski hill worker. Judge Manfred […]

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May 2009: New TFW Report; New Labour Economic Monitor; New safety rules coming; Keep jobs in Canada petition

Entrenching Exploitation: Canada’s Shameful Record on TFWs In its latest report on the working and living conditions of Temporary Foreign Workers, the AFL’s Foreign Worker Advocate reports that things are […]

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