Stop work order lifted

A union leader says the province has quietly lifted a stop work order imposed on an oilsands tank construction site in northern Alberta after two workers died. Gil McGowan, president […]

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Two-and-a-half Workers a Week. The Price of Prosperity?

On the eve of the 12th International Day of Mourning, which will be commemorated around the world on Saturday April 28, the Alberta Federation of Labour called on government, employers […]

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AFL Joins Campaign for Province-Wide Smoking Ban

The AFL joined with Action on Smoking and Health, Alberta Cancer Board and the Alberta Chamber of Commerce today to launch a campaign to urge the Alberta government to implement […]

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White Powder Makes Hypocrites of Both Tories and Grits: Canada Undermines Attempt to Restrict Use of Asbestos

Banning asbestos is a no brainer, right? The versatile, indestructible insulation and construction material was the “miracle substance” of the early 20th century and is now infamous as a cancerous […]

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AFL Urges Unions to “Push Back” against Employers Imposing Drug Testing

At its October meeting, the Executive Council of the Alberta Federation of Labour approved a new Policy Statement on Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing that clarifies labour’s position on the […]

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Cardinal Sets Ugly Precedent with WCB Appointment

Human Resources and Employment Minister Mike Cardinal has subverted a longstanding agreement with the labour movement by appointing an individual with no connection to labour to the WCB Board to […]

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Farm fatality proves need to include protection of farmworkers in all labour legislation

The death of Kevan Chandler in a farm accident near Black Diamond, Alberta that left his wife, Lorna, and two young children in dire financial straits tragically illustrates the need […]

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FOIP Request Shows Employers Flaunting New Rules Allowing 12-year olds in Restaurants

EDMONTON-Nine months into new rules allowing restaurants to hire 12 and 13 year olds it is clear they are failing to protect young workers says the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

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Dark Side of a Boom – Worker Death Rate Hits 25-Year High

EDMONTON-The Alberta Federation of Labour today blamed government inaction on health and safety enforcement for the rising number of workplace fatalities in Alberta. The AFL made the observation on the […]

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When will we learn? Day of Mourning remembers 143 Alberta workers killed last year

Last year in Alberta 143 workers were killed because of work. This is the highest number of fatalities in 25 years, and the sixth worst in Alberta’s 101 year history. […]

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2005 End the Drought Farmworkers Campaign Launch

Speech by Gil McGowanAt “End the Drought!” Campaign LaunchCalgary, August 20, 2005 Good morning. My name is Gil McGowan and I’m president of the Alberta Federation of Labour. For those […]

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End the Drought! Legal Protection for Farm Workers Now!

CALGARY-The Alberta Federation of Labour marked the first Alberta Farm Worker Day by announcing a strategy to pressure the Alberta government to include farm workers in the basic employment protections […]

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Workplace death of boy illustrates dangers for kids in adult jobs

EDMONTON-The death of a 14-year boy working with heavy equipment at the Reynolds Auto and Aircraft Museum in Wetaskiwin is a tragedy that illustrates why children should not be allowed […]

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12-Year Olds Working in Restaurants – Child Labour as the Alberta Advantage?

EDMONTON – As of June 3, 2005, Alberta employers can now legally hire 12, 13 and 14-year olds to work in restaurants, the Alberta Federation of Labour revealed today. In […]

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Apprenticeship changes will put lives at risk, says AFL

EDMONTON – Industrial construction sites will be less safe, and the lives of workers could be at risk if the Minister of Advanced Education confirms a change of regulation recommended […]

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Smoking in the Workplace (2005)

Smoking in the Workplace (May 2005) Policy statement presented at AFL 44th Constitutional Convention, May 12 – 15, 2005

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Alberta Losing Battle Against Workplace Death – Fatality Rate on the Rise

On the eve of the 10th International Day of Mourning, the Alberta Federation of Labour is releasing the latest statistics on workplace fatalities in Alberta, showing an increase in both […]

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Tory decision to re-open WCB cases is welcome but long overdue

After nearly two years of on-again, off-again support for a major review of old WCB cases, the Alberta government has finally agreed to open the books on previously rejected claims […]

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Labour hails decision to re-open WCB cases as “long overdue”

After nearly two years of on-again, off-again support for a major review of old WCB cases, the government has finally agreed to open the books on previously rejected claims covering […]

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Day of Mourning Commemorates Workers Killed and Injured at Work

Today, workers in Alberta will mark the 8th Annual International Day of Mourning for workers killed and injured on the job. Remembrances will take place at workplaces and at special […]

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“Would You Call Two Deaths a Week An Epidemic?”

Marking the 7th International Day of Mourning, the Alberta Federation of Labour is asking why workplace deaths are given much lower priority than other causes of death. The AFL suggests […]

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Day of Mourning Ceremony to Honour All Workers Killed at Work

Day of Mourning CeremonySunday April 282:00 pm to 3:00 pmEdmonton City Hall (City Room) The Alberta Federation of Labour and the Edmonton and District Labour Council are co-sponsoring a ceremony […]

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WCB premium increase means employers will finally pay the real cost of workplace injuries

Employers in Alberta will soon be required to pay WCB premiums that more accurately reflect the real cost of workplace injuries – and that’s a good thing, says the Alberta […]

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Review of Longstanding Claims A “Victory” for Injured Workers

The Alberta Federation of Labour responded to the government’s planned changes to WCB by stating that it had positive and negative impacts on workers. The AFL singled out the promise […]

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