Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace (2001)

Position Statement – Drugs and Alcohol in the Workplace (2001) Presented at the 3rd Biennial Convention, May 3 – 6, 2001

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Day of Mourning Chance to Make Workplaces Safer

Albertans need to not forget the 14 year old boy killed at a construction site, or the Subway store employee beaten to death by a robber, says Alberta Federation of […]

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New Statistics Show Workplace Accident Rates Have Doubled in Past 10 Years

As the 6th International Day of Mourning approaches, the Alberta Federation of Labour released new figures today showing that the rate of workplace accidents in Alberta has nearly doubled in […]

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Review Committee Reports Agree with Workers that WCB System Not Working

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) today responded to the release of two WCB Review Committee Reports by stating that injured workers have been vindicated by the findings. Both reports […]

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Government Taking On A Health and Safety Headache in Swan Hills Plant

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour released documents today accessed through the Freedom of Information Act which show that Bovar employees have elevated PCB levels in their blood and […]

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Working Alone Committee Members Issue “Minority Report”

Labour members of the Task Force that recommended new provisions for working alone regulations released a “minority report” today stating the provisions “fall short” in protecting workers. The “Minority Report” […]

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AFL Asks, “Where are the New Working Alone Regulations?”

The Alberta Federation of Labour is asking why Human Resources Minister Clint Dunford is holding back approval of the new working alone regulation and handbook, when it has been complete […]

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Death of teen worker may be directly related to lax enforcement of health and safety rules

EDMONTON – Alarm bells should be ringing in the provincial labour department now that it has been revealed that there may have been no guardrails on the roof where a […]

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Workplace deaths are the “tragic and predictable result” of under-funding and lack of political will, says AFL

EDMONTON – The Alberta government is not doing nearly enough to promote and enforce adequate health and safety standards on work sites across the province, says the Secretary Treasurer of […]

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Day of Mourning Is a Day to Remember and Make Change Happen

Friday April 28 will mark the 5th International Day of Mourning. Commemorated around the world, the Day of Mourning highlights the loss of thousands of workers every year to fatal […]

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Double the Workplace Deaths, Half the Government Funding

On the eve of the 5th International Day of Mourning, the Alberta Federation of Labour released calculations showing that government funding for Occupational Health and Safety enforcement is a fraction […]

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City Hall Ceremony Highlights Day of Mourning

Friday, April 28 will mark the fifth International Day of Mourning. Begun in Canada in the mid-1980s, the Day of Mourning is a day to remember those people killed at […]

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How Many Worker Deaths Are Too Many?

The tragic wave of workers killed on the job in the past six days is a marker that the Alberta government is not doing enough to protect worker safety, says […]

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Confidential Document Reveals WCB Attempting Power Grab, Says AFL

The Alberta Federation of Labour has obtained a copy of a confidential WCB Board of Directors document outlining a list of 40 amendments to the WCB Act and Regulation the […]

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Government contradicted by new work absence statistics

New figures acquired by the Alberta Federation of Labour show that in 1998, work absence due to illness, injury and disability were at their highest level in a decade. This […]

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Alberta to form farm safety advisory body

A provincially-backed farm safety council is expected to find ways to reduce the number of on-farm injuries in Alberta without adding more rules or more costs. The Alberta government on […]

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WCB continues to “blame the victim”

EDMONTON – Alberta’s Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) is continuing its “long-established practice of blaming the victim” when it comes to issues of workplace health and safety, says the president of […]

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AFL raises concerns about WCB satisfaction survey

EDMONTON – The “customer satisfaction” survey that is being used by the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) to defend itself from mounting public criticism is deeply flawed and misleading, says the […]

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WCB needs fixing, but privatization is not the answer, says AFL

EDMONTON – The Alberta Workers Compensation Board (WCB) does not always treat injured workers fairly, but replacing it with a system of private insurance will not fix the problem, says […]

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Albertans deserve more protection in the workplace

EDMONTON – The Alberta government is not doing nearly enough to protect workers – especially young workers, women and immigrants – from abuse and unfair treatment in the workplace, says […]

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Concerns of working people ignored in reorganization scheme

EDMONTON – Working people in Alberta are being short-changed by a plan announced earlier today to re-organize government departments, says the president of the Alberta Federation of Labour. Audrey Cormack […]

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Day of Mourning Commemorates Workers Killed At Work

On Wednesday, April 28, Alberta workers will be marking the 4th International Day of Mourning in their worksites and at special ceremonies. The Alberta Federation of Labour, in conjunction with […]

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