If companies like Sinopec are going to invest in the oil sands, they need to respect our laws, says McGowan

AFL applauds court decision to hold Chinese firm to account for workers’ deaths EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour applauds the Alberta Court of Appeal’s decision to uphold a […]

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Shocking results of construction blitz shows Alberta needs more than rhetoric on workplace safety: Workers in residential sector need to be able to join unions to keep themselves safe, s…

Adding evening and weekend safety inspections is a step in the right direction to improve safety at residential construction sites, but what Alberta workers really need is the ability to […]

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Union says Alberta lagging on safety

Alberta labour groups are calling on the province to do more to prevent a growing number of workplace fatalities. The call for action comes a day after an Edmonton worker […]

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Labour groups blame province for high number of workplace deaths

Alberta labour groups are calling on the province to do more to prevent a growing number of workplace fatalities. The call for action comes a day after an Edmonton worker […]

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October 2011: Labour Code Review; Keystone XL pipeline; no protection for TFWs; safety on construction sites

Unions fight back against biased review of Labour Code The Alberta government has embarked on a biased and secretive review of the province’s Labour Code that threatens to introduce Tea […]

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Trial into deadly oil sands incident delayed

A recent decision to delay the trial for at least two of the companies charged in the deaths of two temporary foreign workers (TFWs) means it will be at least […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour slams trial delay for firms charged with safety violations

Immediate action is needed to make worksites safe as Alberta braces for a boom in foreign employees, says Alberta’s largest labour group. A criminal case against companies involved in the […]

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Alberta ramps up inspections of residential worksites

Residential construction sites in Alberta are being targeted by occupational health and safety officers for surprise inspections during a month-long inspection blitz. “We launched a focused campaign on residential construction […]

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Delayed justice spells danger for Alberta workers: Action needed now to make worksites safe as province braces for boom in foreign employees

The delay of the criminal case against companies involved in the deaths of two oilsands employees is bad news for Alberta workers, says the province’s largest labour group. “Justice delayed […]

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Residential building sites getting blitzed by inspectors

The current safety blitz under way by Alberta Occupational Health and Safety is a good step in making construction sites safer, but the province’s largest labour organization says a one-off […]

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One-time blitz of construction sites not enough to save real lives: Alberta workers deserve the same protection that other Canadians enjoy

A blitz of residential construction sites by inspectors is a welcome step in making worksites safer, but this short, one-off campaign is not the solution to safety woes, says the […]

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Inspection blitz puts Alberta homebuilders ‘on notice’: Labour leader criticizes advance notice to employers, calls for more frequent checkups

EDMONTON — The minister in charge of worker safety launched a month-long inspection blitz Monday, focusing on the province’s booming residential construction industry. This is the third and final inspection […]

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Inspection blitz to target home construction sites

Occupational health and safety officers will be targeting Alberta residential construction sites in a month-long inspection blitz to make sure workers and employers are following workplace safety rules. “There is […]

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AFL wants farm deaths to be investigated by OHS

Eight months ago, three farm workers died in Alberta. Because of the Alberta government’s rules on farm-related deaths, there has still been no investigation. The Alberta Federation of Labour says […]

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Minister’s silence on farm-worker safety unacceptable, says AFL: Lukaszuk has failed to respond to calls for investigation of farm accidents

Workers on farms and ranches will mark the seventh annual Alberta Farm Worker Day tomorrow still waiting for the Alberta government to end its silence on a call to make […]

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Alberta takes steps to protect employees

An increasing number of workplace complaints has prompted the provincial government to hire more people to investigate employers across the province, a step that can only help Lethbridge workers, according […]

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Alberta young worker safety report fails to address threat of violent crime: Union association

report that came after an inspection blitz focused on young worker safety is grim, said the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL). The report doesn’t deal with violent crime, one of […]

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Report on workplace safety ignores one of the biggest threats to young workers: Violent criminal attacks – AFL calls for ban on working alone to stem attacks on night-shift workers

Yesterday’s government report on safety for young workers fails to deal with one of the biggest threats faced by young people working in convenience stores, fast-food restaurants and gas stations: […]

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Hazardous material violations lead pack of workplace safety infractions: Lukaszuk announces results of targeted inspections

EDMONTON – Provincial inspectors found at least one safety violation in 70 per cent of workplaces that often employ young people. No workplaces were issued a stop-work order for the […]

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Soft economy keeps injured workers home: Modified work boosts morale

Alberta workers seriously injured on the job in the past two years stayed home longer afterwards due to a soft economy with fewer opportunities for “modified work,” the Workers’ Compensation […]

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Privacy breach leads to demand for WCB investigation: Opportunity to overhaul failing system must not be ignored, say AFL

The Alberta Workers’ Compensation Board is failing in its duty towards injured employees and only a full investigation and overhaul can fix the problems, says the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

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Alberta tightens guidelines for COR-holding companies

Alberta is implementing stricter guidelines for its Certificate of Recognition (COR) system aimed at boosting scrutiny of COR-holding companies that experience workplace deaths and serious injuries. “Losing a COR is […]

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Alberta vows to end abuse of WCB rebates: Lukaszuk sets out new guidelines

A voluntary safety accreditation program that entitles employers to earn WCB premium rebates and bid on lucrative government contracts is being abused, admits Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk. Lukaszuk announced Thursday […]

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Minister strengthens workplace safety rules

Provincial safety accreditation is now on the line for employers not in the business of providing safe workplaces for their employees. Starting July 1 — Canada Day — Alberta employers […]

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