Stricter safety guidelines coming for Alberta employers

Jobsite fatalities, serious injuries or multiple stop work orders will force an immediate review of employers safety accreditation staring July 1, according to new rules introduced by the province Thursday. […]

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Safety reviews to follow serious workplace incidents: Minister

Alberta Workplace safety violators will soon be hit with harsher penalties. Employment and Immigration minister Thomas Lukaszuk announced Tuesday that workplace deaths, serious injuries and multiple stop-work orders are now […]

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HSAA celebrates its 40th Annual General Meeting

HSAA President Elizabeth Ballermann to address delegates on key health challenges and other major issues. Edmonton (2 June 2011) – Delegates gather today in Edmonton, Alberta to kick off one […]

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Workplace safety regulations tightened

Stricter workplace safety regulations could see Alberta employers who experience on-site fatalities or serious injuries lose their government accreditation. Minister of Employment and Immigration Thomas Lukaszuk announced Thursday the implementation […]

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Workplace safety move welcomed, but far more must be done, says AFL: Government must make Certificates of Recognition program transparent or it will fail

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) welcomed today’s move by the provincial government to improve workplace health and safety, but says changes to the Certificate of Recognition (COR) do not […]

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June 2011: Join Together Alberta campaign; minimum wage; AB govt code of silence; workers at risk in AB

Join Together Alberta launches campaign to save education, health and social services Alberta is one of the wealthiest jurisdictions in the world, and yet up to 1,200 teachers and hundreds […]

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Lukaszuk says AFL is acting “in poor taste”

The Alberta Federation of Labour says Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk is going to leave his cabinet post to run for the provincial PC leadership. The AFL worries, by […]

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Include farm workers

Re: “Justice for firefighters,” Editorial, May 12. The Alberta Federation of Labour welcomes the news that Alberta will extend Workers’ Compensation Board coverage to include volunteer firefighters. These courageous people […]

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Farm workers deserve same

Re: “WCB to cover volunteer firefighters who get cancer on job; Bill provides same benefits as full-timers get,” The Journal, May 11. The Alberta Federation of Labour welcomes the news […]

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Delay in inspecting murder trial worksite is evidence of government failure: Minister’s reliance on complaints-driven process puts Albertans at risk, says AFL

The provincial government has shown once again that its attitude toward inspecting workplaces is putting Albertans in danger, says the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL). “Despite undeniable and uncontested evidence […]

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May 2011: AFL convention; lineup of star speakers at CLC convention; battle for workplace safety continues; workers warned about delayed retirement

AFL Convention a success: Read all about it! About 400 delegates and guests attended the AFL convention in Calgary for a packed schedule of events that included: A moving ceremony […]

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Safety blitz focuses on young workers

Alberta’s employment minister says safety inspectors are fanning out across the province for a month-long safety sweep focused on inexperienced employees and the places they work. Speaking at Bumpy’s Cafe […]

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Minister fails to implement obvious solution to forklift-safety problem: Mandatory training and licensing for forklift operators is the best way to save lives, says AFL

The disappointing results of a recent blitz of forklift-safety inspections should come as no surprise to Alberta’s employment minister, says the province’s largest labour organization. “We have told Employment and […]

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Lukaszuk has become the minister of workplace blitzes: But blitz inspections alone won’t make Alberta safer for workers

A recent series of workplace safety blitzes by occupational health and safety inspectors has confirmed there are serious safety problems in Alberta workplaces – but this approach is doing little […]

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Governments report workplace safety is improving over time

Labour unions in British Columbia and Alberta held ceremonies April 28 to remember workers who have been killed on the job, while the governments in both provinces say injury rates […]

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Workplace injuries: good news and bad: Alberta workplace injuries at a new low, despite tragedy

EDMONTON – On the same day news broke of an Alberta worker being killed by deadly gas at a job site, Employment Minister Thomas Lukaszuk said Alberta’s workplace injury rates […]

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Study finds child labour, violations in Alberta

EDMONTON (Canadian OH&S News) A study suggesting potentially widespread labour malpractices involving children and adolescents in Alberta, including illegal employment, has elicited calls from the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) […]

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Worker deaths across Alberta rise 24% in 2010

The state of Alberta’s economy can be measured in more than dollars -booming business is also mirrored in the workplace death toll. Government figures show workplace fatalities in 2010 spiked […]

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Occupational Health and Safety Policy Paper (2011)

Occupational Health and Safety Policy Paper (April 2011) AFL occupational health and safety policy paper presented to AFL 47th Constitutional Convention, April 28th to May 1, 2011 Negative coverage of […]

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Alberta workplace fatalities spike 24% from previous year

The state of the province’s economy can be measured in more than dollars — booming business is also mirrored in the death toll suffered by workers. Government figures show workplace […]

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Alberta workplace deaths up in 2010

The Alberta Federation of Labour says 2010 was a deadly year with 136 workplace-related deaths in the province, up from 110 deaths in 2009. The AFL released the figures Thursday […]

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Labour groups mark day of mourning for workers killed on the job

Labour groups are remembering workers killed or injured on the job. Marches and ceremonies are being held across the prairies as part of the National Day of Mourning. The Alberta […]

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More Albertans dying on the job as government fails to act: Warnings to improve workplace safety have been ignored, says AFL

The number of Alberta workers killed on the job jumped by 24 per cent last year while the provincial government failed to fulfill its responsibility to protect its citizens in […]

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Widespread violations of standards for underage workers in Alberta

There are widespread violations of employment standards for working children and adolescents in Alberta, according to a study by the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) and Athabasca University. “Tens of […]

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