Soft economy keeps injured workers home: Modified work boosts morale

Alberta workers seriously injured on the job in the past two years stayed home longer afterwards due to a soft economy with fewer opportunities for “modified work,” the Workers’ Compensation […]

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Privacy breach leads to demand for WCB investigation: Opportunity to overhaul failing system must not be ignored, say AFL

The Alberta Workers’ Compensation Board is failing in its duty towards injured employees and only a full investigation and overhaul can fix the problems, says the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

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Alberta using ‘immoral’ incentives to deny WCB benefits, charges labour group: AFL critical of bonuses paid to staff who trim caseloads, says premium rates for dangerous industries a…

Alberta’s Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) is the only board in Canada that pays bonuses to staff as an incentive to trim their caseloads, according to the Alberta Federation of Labour […]

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WCB uses ‘immoral’ incentives: labour group: AFL says bonus system only in Alberta

Alberta is the only province where Workers’ Compensation Board staff get bonuses for swiftly getting injured workers off benefits and back to work — and must discontinue these “immoral” incentives, […]

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WCB bonuses for getting injured workers back on the job criticize

CALGARY – Alberta is the only province where Workers Compensation Board staff get bonuses for swiftly getting injured workers off benefits and back to work – and must discontinue these […]

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Alberta is the only Canadian province that uses “immoral” incentives to deny WCB benefits to injured workers

Alberta WCB puts higher priority on keeping employer premiums low instead of providing service to injured workers, says AFL New research from the Alberta Federation of Labour shows that Alberta’s […]

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Paying with your life; Young workers at risk

Alberta’s booming economy, huge influx of workers and lack of safety training on some job sites are causing more workplace accidents among young employees, and too often costing them their […]

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Cardinal Sets Ugly Precedent with WCB Appointment

Human Resources and Employment Minister Mike Cardinal has subverted a longstanding agreement with the labour movement by appointing an individual with no connection to labour to the WCB Board to […]

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Tory decision to re-open WCB cases is welcome but long overdue

After nearly two years of on-again, off-again support for a major review of old WCB cases, the Alberta government has finally agreed to open the books on previously rejected claims […]

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Labour hails decision to re-open WCB cases as “long overdue”

After nearly two years of on-again, off-again support for a major review of old WCB cases, the government has finally agreed to open the books on previously rejected claims covering […]

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WCB premium increase means employers will finally pay the real cost of workplace injuries

Employers in Alberta will soon be required to pay WCB premiums that more accurately reflect the real cost of workplace injuries – and that’s a good thing, says the Alberta […]

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Review of Longstanding Claims A “Victory” for Injured Workers

The Alberta Federation of Labour responded to the government’s planned changes to WCB by stating that it had positive and negative impacts on workers. The AFL singled out the promise […]

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Review Committee Reports Agree with Workers that WCB System Not Working

The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) today responded to the release of two WCB Review Committee Reports by stating that injured workers have been vindicated by the findings. Both reports […]

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WCB President Received 39% Pay Increase in 1999, AFL Highlights

The Alberta Federation of Labour revealed today that WCB President and CEO Mary Cameron received a 39% pay increase in 1999. Also, WCB sources inform the AFL that the Board […]

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Confidential Document Reveals WCB Attempting Power Grab, Says AFL

The Alberta Federation of Labour has obtained a copy of a confidential WCB Board of Directors document outlining a list of 40 amendments to the WCB Act and Regulation the […]

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Government contradicted by new work absence statistics

New figures acquired by the Alberta Federation of Labour show that in 1998, work absence due to illness, injury and disability were at their highest level in a decade. This […]

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WCB continues to “blame the victim”

EDMONTON – Alberta’s Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) is continuing its “long-established practice of blaming the victim” when it comes to issues of workplace health and safety, says the president of […]

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AFL raises concerns about WCB satisfaction survey

EDMONTON – The “customer satisfaction” survey that is being used by the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) to defend itself from mounting public criticism is deeply flawed and misleading, says the […]

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WCB needs fixing, but privatization is not the answer, says AFL

EDMONTON – The Alberta Workers Compensation Board (WCB) does not always treat injured workers fairly, but replacing it with a system of private insurance will not fix the problem, says […]

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