Working Albertans lose big with Kenney’s Bills 2 and 3 – AFL

Alberta moves to the back of the pack (again) when it comes to workplace rights and protections EDMONTON – The Kenney government’s Bill 2 and proposed Bill 3 are bad […]

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Whistleblower protection must cover private sector – AFL

Workers should feel safe coming forward about wrongdoing — regardless of who their employer is Edmonton – Whistleblower protection in Alberta should be extended to all workers regardless of whether […]

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Let’s treat late-night workers like they matter – AFL

The province can’t delay working alone legislation Edmonton – An attack on an Edmonton convenience store employee early this morning has renewed calls for safety legislation for late-night workers. Early […]

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Working retail in the middle of the night needs to be treated as a workplace risk – AFL

Killings of two convenience store workers prompts call for action on late night workplace safety Edmonton – The killings of two workers in south Edmonton last night are a grim […]

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AFL applauds inclusion of Alberta’s agricultural sector in workplace laws – AFL

“The inclusion of agricultural workers in Alberta’s workplace laws is a victory for all workers” Edmonton – Alberta’s largest labour organization is celebrating the comprehensive inclusion of agricultural workers and […]

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Court of Queen’s Bench throws out large sections of Alberta’s labour law

Government given one year to fix labour legislation that violates constitution Edmonton –Alberta laws that interfere with the right of public-sector workers to go on strike violate the Canadian Charter […]

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Prentice budget cuts will deepen recession

Reckless PC spending cuts will make oil downturn worse for Albertans Edmonton – The nine per cent budget cuts proposed by finance minister Robin Campbell and Premier Jim Prentice will […]

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Election forum puts Temporary Foreign Worker program in the spotlight

AFL to help inform voters about differences between candidates stance on controversial guest-worker program FORT MCURRAY–Fort McMurray-Athabasca voters will examine the Temporary Foreign Worker program at a forum on Monday, […]

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Website now ranks Alberta employers on workplace safety

Labour leaders are giving rare praise to the Alberta government for a revamped website that allows people to find out which employers have the highest number of workplace deaths and […]

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MEDIA ADVISORY: Government allows thousands of employers to underpay TFWs

“Government shouldn’t be in the business of helping employers keep wages low,” says AFL EDMONTON – An audit of the Temporary Foreign Worker program reveals that thousands of employers are […]

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Government allows thousands of employers to underpay TFWs

“Government shouldn’t be in the business of helping employers keep wages low,” says AFL EDMONTON – An audit of the Temporary Foreign Worker program (TFWP) reveals that thousands of employers […]

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Advisory: Problems with TFW program extend beyond food services

AFL reveals hundreds of unlawful TFW permits issued by Minister Kenney EDMONTON – Problems with the Temporary Foreign Worker program are not limited to the food service industry. At a […]

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AFL Sounds Alarm on Expansion of Child Labour

Jobs Minister floats suggestion to increase scope of jobs that 12-year-olds can be hired into Edmonton – Alberta’s largest worker organization is asking the province to take the expansion of […]

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Action Alert: Rally for Retirement Fairness on March 2

RALLY FOR RETIREMENT FAIRNESS2:00 PM, SUNDAY, MARCH 2FIGHT FOR THE PENSION YOU PAID FOR! The Redford government is trying to dictate pension plan changes without negotiation. If this goes ahead, […]

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Company promises to hire Canadians after being caught using TFWs to replace domestic iron workers

TFWs will be moved to another project, but it remains unclear if fired Canadians will get their jobs back Edmonton – The company involved in a TFW scandal on Imperial […]

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The two faces of Premier Redford

Generosity for an overpaid inner circle while freezing workers’ wages Edmonton – Premier Alison Redford offered a fierce — and disingenuous — defense of high salaries for her inner circle […]

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December 2013: Anti-worker Bills 45 and 46-FAQs, fact sheets, news releases; Labour leaders stand up for retirement income; did you know-facts on retirement income, AFL Open House

Urgent Action Alberta Federation of Labour Open House On Tuesday, February 11, the Alberta Federation of Labour invites you to attend our annual open house. The open house, which is […]

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AFL calls for Albertans to stand up to the Bully

Labour leaders confront anti-democratic legislation with advertising and legal challenges Edmonton – Workers in Alberta need to stand up to Alison Redford’s bullying tactics says the province’s largest labour advocacy […]

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URGENT ACTION ALERT-UPDATE: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46!

Action Request: Fill the Legislature Gallery in opposition to Bill 45 and 46! When: TONIGHT Wednesday, December 4, 2013 7:30 p.m. *Seating provided on a first-come, first-serve basis Where: Alberta […]

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Unions urge Redford to suspend debate on Bills 45 and 46 to avoid a “generation of poisoned labour relations”

AFL and unions next in line for bargaining say a task force on public-sector labour relations is needed to rebuild trust Edmonton – The leaders of the Alberta Federation of […]

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