Wisconsin Voters Set to Defend Two Pro-Worker, Anti-Walker State Senators

Today, Wisconsin working families are going to the polls to defend two state senators who stood up to Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) attack on workers. Democratic state Sens. Jim Holperin […]

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Lukaszuk moves on workplace fairness

Alberta Employment and Immigration Minister Thomas Lukaszuk is promising to make workplaces in the province fairer, cracking down on employers who fail to pay fair wages and benefits. Lukaszuk announced […]

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Sticking up for workers

New efforts by the province to stick up for workers who feel they are being treated unfairly by their employers is a welcome step. The province announced this week it […]

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Alberta takes steps to protect employees

An increasing number of workplace complaints has prompted the provincial government to hire more people to investigate employers across the province, a step that can only help Lethbridge workers, according […]

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Employment Standards bolsters staffing to address flood of online complaints

EDMONTON – A new online system for workers to report grievances against their employers has worked so well the province has been “flooded” with complaints to investigate, Employment and Immigration […]

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Minister must do more to protect Alberta workers; Waiting for complaints to be filed won’t prevent abuse in the workplace, says AFL

EDMONTON – Moves to improve the enforcement of Alberta’s Employment Standards code are welcome, but the government approach is wrong and doesn’t go far enough in protecting workers, says the […]

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Handicapping the Wisconsin Recall Elections: Badger State Democrats are trying to win at least three recall race on Tuesday. What are the odds?

Never before in American politics have voters recalled more than two state legislators in a single year. That record could be broken on Tuesday, when Wisconsinites vote to decide the […]

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Malawi: Respect Human Rights and Allow Peaceful Protest

LabourOn 20th July 2011, civil society organisations, including the trade union movement headed by the ITUC-affiliated Malawi Confederation of Trade Unions (MCTU), took to the streets to advance legitimate calls […]

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Will Voters Boot Wisconsin Republicans? 7 Things to Know About Tuesday’s Recall Elections

This Tuesday, six Republican state senators who supported Scott Walker’s radical agenda face recall. Here’s what you need to know about the issues at play. August 5, 2011 | Tuesday, […]

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Labor’s Decline and Wage Inequality

The decline in organized labor’s power and membership has played a larger role in fostering increased wage inequality in the United States than is generally thought, according to a study […]

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‘Dubai of the North’ tag irks Alberta

CALGARY – Calling Alberta the “Dubai of the North” is insulting to the Arab city, says the provincial employment and immigration minister. Thomas Lukazsuk is reacting to a comment made […]

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Koch Brothers’ Americans for Prosperity Begins Six-Figure Ad Buy for GOP Recall Candidates

Six-Figure Ad Buy for GOP Recall Candidates Wisconsinites See Why ‘David Koch’ Was Told ‘Thanks a Million!’ By Walker During Prank Call As Pro-Republican AFP Spending Tops $500,000 in Wisconsin […]

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July 2011: Tories give billions of dollars and thousands of jobs away; Alberta Dubai of the North; ethical shopping website; CETA

Alberta Tories give away billions of dollars and thousands of jobs The Alberta Progressive Conservative government’s management of the energy industry and provincial finances has come under fire from the […]

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Alberta called misery magnet for foreign labourers

Calling Alberta the “Dubai of the North” is insulting to the Arab city, says the provincial employment and immigration minister. Thomas Lukazsuk is reacting to a comment made by the […]

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AFL-CIO, Club for Growth help heat up recall elections

MILWAUKEE – Rallying the troops, Wisconsin’s AFL-CIO is pouring tons of resources into the state to oust six Republican senators in next month’s recall elections. “People are passionate about the […]

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Unions unite on march down Jasper Avenue

“Who decides? We’ll decide! Whose work? Our work!” was the cry heard across the downtown core yesterday. Hundreds of Canada Post workers united with other labour unions to voice their […]

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Edmonton postal workers rally against proposed back-to-work legislation: Other unions join voices to send message to federal government

EDMONTON – Solidarity was the message postal workers and labour unions took to the streets of Edmonton Tuesday after a rally at Canada Post’s downtown plant. “You are not alone. […]

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Postal strike ‘not over yet’

Marching through Edmonton’s core, hundreds of angry postal workers and union leaders shouted their message loud and clear. “We’re working united, we’ll never be defeated!” workers shouted on Tuesday outside […]

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Accusation of “Americanizing” arises during postal dispute

Organized labour is accusing the Harper government of “Americanizing” collective bargaining. The accusation came Tuesday during a noon hour rally outside Canada Post’s downtown plant in Edmonton. It saw a […]

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Unions vow to fight Harper’s anti-worker agenda: Labour leaders from across Alberta condemn ‘one-sided’ back-to-work legislation

Alberta’s labour leaders sent a strong message to the Harper government today, condemning the anti-worker agenda shown by back-to-work legislation in the Canada Post and Air Canada disputes. “Rather than […]

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Conservative government out to undercut unions, critics say

NDP labour critic Yvon Godin is not alone in his assessment of a bleak future for unionized workers. “This is only the beginning — no matter what,” the New Brunswick […]

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Teachers Union Facing Crucial Decisions

The newly seated Chicago Board of Education may have won the first battle with Chicago teachers this week when it rescinded a 4 percent pay raise, but it may also […]

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Lockout shocks local postal union president

Canada Post’s decision to lock out its unionized workers Tuesday night was more of a shock to local union president Doris Salmaso, than was Wednesday’s announcement by the federal government […]

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Government Will Review AFL-CIO Complaint Against Bahrain

The AFL-CIO today applauded the U.S. Department of Labor’s decision to accept its complaint regarding the government of Bahrain’s failure to live up to its trade agreement commitments with respect […]

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