May 2011: AFL convention; lineup of star speakers at CLC convention; battle for workplace safety continues; workers warned about delayed retirement

AFL Convention a success: Read all about it! About 400 delegates and guests attended the AFL convention in Calgary for a packed schedule of events that included: A moving ceremony […]

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Koch Brothers Exposed in Brave New Video

For years, billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch flew under the radar as they financed right-wing campaigns and extreme conservative think tanks to overturn financial regulations, corporate rules, environmental standards, […]

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Gov. Walker Signs Bill Blocking Milawukee’s Paid Sick Leave Law

In 2008, Milwaukee, Wisconsin became the third city in America to guarantee workers paid sick leave, joining Washington D.C. and San Fransisco. These cities are stepping up to fill a […]

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5,000 Rally in Pa.: Budget Should Not Be Balanced on Backs of Workers

The Pennsylvania AFL-CIO communications team, Jim Deegan and Karen Gownley, sent us this report. Some 5,000 private- and public-sector union workers came together in Harrisburg, Pa., yesterday to rally for […]

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A Day in Your Life Without Public Employees

Imagine one day you woke up and there were no sanitation workers to pick up the pile of stuff in your trash. No letter carriers or postal workers to move […]

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New Egyptian independent labour union calls for celebrations in Tahrir

The Egyptian revolution has opened the door for workers’ unions to mobilise in Egypt – and it is bearing fruit. The Egypt Federation for Independent Unions was established as a […]

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Global Unions’ May Day Call for Social Justice and Democracy

29 April 2011: At the occasion of International Workers’ Day, Global Unions pay tribute to the people of the Arab States and renew their call for a full-scale transformation of […]

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Labour Law Policy Paper (2011)

Labour Law Policy Paper (April 2011) AFL policy paper presented to AFL 47th Constitutional Convention, April 28 to May 1, 2011 Earlier this year, we saw attacks on labour rights […]

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Florida Unions Withdraw from Banks that Support Chamber of Commerce

In Florida, where Republican lawmakers want to prevent public employee unions from collecting dues through government payroll systems, labor leaders have decided to pull their organizations’ accounts from banks connected […]

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April 2011: Widespread violations of child-labour laws revealed; government performance on oil sands shameful; fed Conservatives accused of hypocrisy in dealing with immigrants; Albertans…

Widespread violations of child-labour rules revealed in study Tens of thousands of adolescent Albertans are in the workforce – 21 per cent of them in illegal jobs, according to an […]

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Swaziland: Protest mass arrests of trade unionists

On Tuesday 12 April 2011, the Swazi authorities responded with brutal repression and hundreds of arrests to peaceful protest actions from workers and pro-democracy activists. The offices of the Swaziland […]

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John Nichols: Walker admits it’s all about union busting

There was a telling exchange during Gov. Scott Walker’s appearance Thursday before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. The governor had gone to Washington to take a star […]

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Swaziland standoff ends

Swazi police fired tear gas to disperse activists who held anti-government protests for a second day on Wednesday, despite a call to stop the action after a police crackdown. Union […]

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Court sides with B.C. teachers on class sizes in bargaining rights

With a tense round of bargaining just under way between the province and its teachers, the B.C. Supreme Court has declared “unconstitutional and invalid” a law that has restricted teachers’ […]

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Victory for Mexican Rubber Workers, 50 Reinstated

An international campaign for the reinstatement of 50 Mexican rubber workers employed by German-based Continental AG, was successful after 22 months. The illegal dismissals on 18 May 2009 were made […]

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EU expects more Portugal austerity as unions march in protest

Thousands of European trades union members demonstrated against austerity measures as EU finance ministers closed a two-day meeting in Hungary that confirmed Portugal was next in line for tough spending […]

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Kasich’s Ohio Budget Bill Would Kill 51,052 Jobs

Yet another Republican governor is killing jobs. This time, it’s John Kasich in Ohio. A study out today shows his proposed two-year budget could mean a direct loss of 51,052 […]

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Mexico: Labour Legislation Reform Without Consultation

On 10 March 2011, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), backed by the National Action Party (PAN), put forward a bill radically reforming Mexico’s labour laws. The bill was drawn up […]

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The Right To Join A Union: From Eleanor Roosevelt to John Kasich

When my phone rang in Moss Beach, California, I was surprised to find a young girl calling from a small town in Ohio, not far from Columbus. She and her […]

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In New Hampshire, ‘Right to Work’ Claims ‘Utterly’ Without Merit

When lawmakers-usually with the backing of corporations and right-wing, anti-worker groups-push for so-called right to work laws, they claim it will bring business and jobs to their states. Nothing could […]

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‘We Are One’ Reverberates Across Nation and Globe

In Washington, D.C., more than 1,000 marched in solidarity with workers under attack in Wisconsin, Ohio and across the country. From Pocatello, Idaho, to Paris, France, and in hundreds of […]

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Workers Fight Back Against More Than 700 Anti-Union Bills

It isn’t just the actions of tax-dodging corporations like Bank of America and Verizon that have infuriated activists. Blackwater, the private mercenary firm that recently changed its name to Xe […]

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Bahrain firms fire hundreds of strikers in crackdown

MANAMA – Bahraini firms have fired hundreds of mostly Shi’ite workers who went on strike to support pro-democracy protesters, part of a government crackdown, an opposition group said on Tuesday. […]

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Unions Make the Middle Class: Without Unions, the Middle Class Withers

Why should anyone—especially those who are not union members—care that union membership is at record lows and likely to fall even further? Because if you care about the middle class, […]

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