California Town Slashes Public Services, Destroys Jobs

In another massive slashing of services and destruction of public service jobs, the California town of Costa Mesa is laying off nearly half its public workforce and outsourcing some key […]

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Walker’s Attacks Strengthen River Falls Faculty Resolve to Vote For Union

Galvanized by Gov. Scott Walker’s move to eliminate their freedom to collectively bargain for good middle-class jobs, faculty at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls voted 148-16 today in favor of […]

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Wisconsin Court Upholds Milwaukee Paid Sick Leave Law

More than two years after Milwaukee voters overwhelmingly passed a paid sick leave city ordinance, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals today upheld the law and lifted an injunction an employer’s […]

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U.S. energy giant lobbying province: Koch Industries owned by billionaire brothers who fund Tea Party

Edmonton – An American energy conglomerate owned by two powerful billionaire brothers who help fund the Tea Party and climate change denial movements in the U.S. has registered to lobby […]

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If Election Was Held Today, Michigan’s Snyder Would Lose

If Michigan voters could do it over, they would pick Democrat Virg Bernero as governor over Rick Snyder by a slim margin. That’s a major drop in popularity for Snyder […]

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U.S., Canadian Workers Blast Golden Parachutes for Walker’s Banker Backers

In a show of cross-border solidarity today, Canadian union members joined their U.S. counterparts in a march and rally at the Vancouver, B.C., shareholder meeting of a Canadian bank that […]

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March 2011: Wisconsin protests; forklift safety; Alberta govt failing to collect billions; equality still a dream in Alberta; IAMAW 99 fight against CLAC

Workers’ rights under attack! From Wisconsin to Egypt, from Mexico to Canada, the rights of workers are under attack. The right of public-sector unionized workers to bargain collectively has been […]

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Wisconsin’s Radical Break

NOW that a Wisconsin judge has temporarily blocked a state law that would strip public employee unions of most collective bargaining rights, it’s worth stepping back to place these events […]

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Attorney general appeals restraining order on labor law: Van Hollen asks appeals court to lift judge’s temporary order

Madison – In a case that appears bound for the state Supreme Court, Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen on Monday asked the state appeals court to lift a Dane County […]

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Workers Including Migrant Workers Targeted in Bahrain

In the midst of the political crisis in Bahrain, the General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions, BWI’s affiliate in Bahrain raised concerns of attacks on workers including migrant workers by […]

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‘People Are Pissed Off’: An Interview With Leo Gerard

Leo Gerard is the international president of the 850,000-member United Steelworkers, the nation’s largest manufacturing union. Although his union represents only a small number of public workers, Gerard has attended […]

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Sask. Party government thumbs its nose at United Nations-ILO

Six months ago the United Nations International Labour Organization (ILO) found the Sask. Party government guilty of violating the international human rights of Saskatchewan citizens by their introduction and passing […]

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The Ups and Downs of Chinese Unionists, and the ‘Interests of Humanity’

NEW YORK CITY-Unionization rates in China “should make American unions jealous,” University of Macau professor Zhidong Hao said during a panel at the annual Left Forum conference here on Saturday, […]

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Mexican parliament considers regressive labour law reforms

The International Metalworkers’ Federation joins with the independent trade union movement in Mexico in denouncing proposed labour law reforms that could go before parliament as early as this week. The […]

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Green Labor Journal: 1 Million Green Jobs Came From Recovery Act

The Recovery Act’s green investments committed through the end of 2010 created or saved nearly 1 million jobs, according to a report by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) and the […]

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Warning: If They Take Wisconsin, They Might Go After Our Weekends

Workers all over the country are rising up by the thousands to defend the basic American right of collective bargaining. We can fight the anti-union ambush in the states with […]

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Groundwork for Wisconsin-style attacks on Canadian post-secondary education is in place

The Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill had sweeping implications not just for organized labour, but for all public service sectors in the state. Major changes were made to Wisconsin’s post-secondary education […]

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Warning on US states’ plan to severely restrict workers’ rights

Amnesty International has urged several US states to abandon planned legislation that would drastically restrict workers’ rights. States including Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, New Mexico, Ohio, Oklahoma and Tennessee have […]

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Pro-Labor Group Working America Recruits 20,000 New Wisconsin Members In Wake Of Budget Protests

WASHINGTON — While Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) may have won the most recent battle in Madison by securing passage of an anti-union bill, labor activists are optimistic they may […]

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Together we Stood as the American Labor Movement to Move the State of Maryland Forward

March 14, 2011 will definitely go on record as being a historically organized labor day in the State of Maryland. The Rally to “Keep the Promise” was the theme. Fifteen […]

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Greetings From Fitzwalkerstan: Wisconsin GOP Denies Legislative Democrats Voting Rights

Not content to deny state, county and municipal employees and teachers a voice in the workplace-with legislation that takes away collective bargaining rights-Wisconsin Republicans have now moved to deny Democratic […]

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Mega-rally: Large protests expected in Michigan tomorrow

Tomorrow a large rally to protest the policies of unpopular Michigan Governor Rick Synder will take place in Lansing. There was a protest held there earlier today attended by more […]

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Unions don’t cause the problems they’re blamed for

There’s blood in the water for the labour movement, and the political sharks are circling. In Wisconsin the Governor has stripped public workers of the right to collective bargaining. Tellingly, […]

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Wisconsin Firefighters Spark “Move Your Money” Moment

On the day that the bill passed the Wisconsin Assembly effectively ending 50 years of collective bargaining in Wisconsin and eviscerating the ability of public unions to raise money through […]

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