Up to 100,000 protest Wisconsin law curbing unions

MADISON, Wis., March 12 (Reuters) – Up to 100,000 people protested at the Wisconsin state Capitol on Saturday against a new law curbing the union rights of public workers that […]

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Will Wisconsin’s chill on labour move north?

In late 2009, Wisconsin became the first state to require schools to include “the history of organized labour in America and the collective-bargaining process” in social-studies curricula. That was when […]

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Counterpoint: Is an $18,000 pension ‘gold-plated’?: Contrary to right-wing myths, public employees are hardly privileged

Try as they might, those attacking public sector unions can’t seem to figure out why exactly they are so bad for Canada. For whatever the reason – it doesn’t seem […]

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Alberta unions condemn Wisconsin decision to strip collective bargaining rights from workers: Warning issued to Tories and Wildrose – Don’t try this here!

The leaders of Alberta’s largest labour group meeting in Edmonton today condemned the passage of an anti-union bill in the Wisconsin Senate – and issued a warning to right-wing politicians […]

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Cash-strapped U.S. states have launched an unprecedented assault on unions, argues CUPE’s Paul Moist. There is growing evidence that the trend is making its way north of the border.

Almost 80 years ago, the United States and much of the world were battling the Great Depression. Unemployment was high, stock market speculation drove regulatory reform, and the jobless were […]

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The Fight for the Labour Movement in the United States

1) Snapshot of the issues Wisconsin The Governor wants to restrict public sector unions to bargaining solely over wages, eliminating their ability to bargain over health care, working hours and […]

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Dispatch from Wisconsin: “Wisconsin is the canary in the coal mine”

NUPGE representatives are in Madison providing support and solidarity to Wisconsin public service workers. This is the first in a series of dispatches from Wisconsin, where the governor’s union-busting is […]

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Union blues

“Fifteen million Americans bring you Edward P. Morgan and the news.” From 1955 to 1967, that line, heard on the ABC radio network every weeknight at 7 P.M., heralded the […]

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Wisconsin Power Play

Last week, in the face of protest demonstrations against Wisconsin’s new union-busting governor, Scott Walker – demonstrations that continued through the weekend, with huge crowds on Saturday – Representative Paul […]

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Unions ‘stand on guard’ for middle class

All eyes are on the Middle East as a wave of popular uprisings sweeps dictators from power. But there’s another battle brewing closer to home that has more significance for […]

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The Workers’ Struggle in Wisconsin: A Call for Solidarity in Calgary!

Over the last couple weeks there have been massive rallies in Wisconsin protesting legislation proposed by the new Governor, Scott Walker, legislation which can only be described as anti-labour and […]

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Colombia still the most dangerous place in the world for human rights and labour activists

Colombian human rights advocate and forensic anthropologist Berenice Celeyta, wants the Colombian government of President Santos to acknowledge that there continues to be armed conflict in that country. Both the […]

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Wisconsin Democrats Launch Recall Effort Against GOP Senators

WASHINGTON — The Wisconsin Democratic Party has launched a fundraising campaign to recall state Senate Republicans who have supported the budget bill by Gov. Scott Walker (R) that would strip […]

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Wisconsin stalemate could drag on for months

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin’s budget stalemate over union bargaining rights shows no sign of resolution – and it could be a long wait. The governor isn’t budging. AWOL Democrats […]

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Labor and the future of the Egyptian revolution

Since February 11 when Mubarak stepped down, the Supreme Military Council, which has assumed leadership of Egypt’s affairs until such time as free elections are held, has repeatedly and thus […]

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The Real Issues: A Wisconsin Update

The Wisconsin protests are about much more than budgets and unions. As I observed in “What Conservatives Really Want,” the conservative story about budget deficits is a ruse to turn […]

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Shock Doctrine, U.S.A.

Here’s a thought: maybe Madison, Wis., isn’t Cairo after all. Maybe it’s Baghdad – specifically, Baghdad in 2003, when the Bush administration put Iraq under the rule of officials chosen […]

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Wis. Democrats filibuster to delay anti-union bill

MADISON, Wis. (AP) – Democrats kept the Wisconsin Assembly up overnight with a droning filibuster in another desperate attempt to block the Republican governor’s bold plan to strip public sector […]

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Walkom: The seductive appeal of union-busting

The story from faraway Wisconsin, insofar as it has been covered at all in the Canadian media, is usually treated as a bit of a joke – one that centres […]

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CLC Statement on Wisconsin State Attacking Collective Bargaining Rights

The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) is deeply concerned about Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s efforts to strip collective bargaining rights from 175,000 public sector workers. If enacted, the proposed legislation will […]

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Koch Brothers Positioned To Be Big Winners If Keystone XL Pipeline Is Approved

Obama’s bitterest political enemies already import and refine 25 percent of oil sands crude reaching the U.S., and stand to profit from an increased flow The Keystone XL pipeline, awaiting […]

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Alberta labour group calls for end to temporary foreign workers program

CALGARY — Fraud charges against a Calgary woman who headed a group for foreign workers have the Alberta Federation of Labour calling on the government to scrap the Temporary Foreign […]

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