
BLOG: Don’t listen to Danielle Smith… she can’t stop you from using the new federal dental program

Danielle Smith and the UCP are trying to deny access to publicly funded dental care for hundreds of thousands of Albertans. Dental care is health care and the new Canadian Dental Care Plan from the federal government has already given access to 20,000 Albertans with many more eligible for support.

But the good news is, no matter how much she wants to take Albertans’ access to publicly funded dental care, Danielle Smith won’t be able to. That’s because funding for the Canadian Dental Care Plan is from the federal government to individual dentists. Provinces like Alberta haven’t provided publicly funded dental care to the extent that’s needed, so the federal government stepped up to offer this support directly through dentists who sign on to the program.

The Canadian Dental Care Plan offers dental care for Albertans who don’t have dental insurance and have household incomes of less than $90,000. Applications are open for seniors aged 65 and over, children under 18, and adults with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate. For more information and to sign up, please click here to visit the “Canadian Dental Care Plan” webpage or type “Canadian Dental Care Plan” into your search engine.

For more information about the Plan, please check out Edmonton Member of Parliament Heather McPherson’s video on X (formerly Twitter): click here for link.

Also, Minister Boissonault has a video on the same app on the Canadian Dental Care Plan: click here for link.

Just like the Canada Pension Plan and the national Pharmacare program, Danielle Smith and the UCP want to pull Alberta out of national programs no matter the cost to Albertans’ health and wellbeing. This latest move – demanding an end to the Canadian Dental Care Plan in Alberta – is particularly cold and uncaring because Danielle Smith has shown no interest in expanding dental care to the hundreds of thousands of Albertans who need it.