
PRESS RELEASE: AFL’s McGowan responds to Senate vote for the Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act

Bill to protect workers in transition ready to become law

EDMONTON – Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) president Gil McGowan celebrated the Senate’s passing of Bill C-50: Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act this week. The bill introduces governance rules on the federal government’s work in helping the creation of new energy jobs.

“Yesterday, Alberta workers scored another landmark win in the Senate: the Canadian Sustainable Jobs Act has passed and is ready to become law,” said McGowan. “As our country deals with a changing energy economy, this bill ensures that federal government tax credits go towards jobs that pay union-equivalent wages and meet union standards.”

By setting rules around tax credits, Bill C-50 helps prevent the new jobs from being exploitative or lowering the standard of living for Alberta workers. The bill also gives seats at the table for workers on the ‘Sustainable Jobs Partnership Council’. McGowan said that these seats ensured that workers will be included in advising cabinet on funding and regulatory decisions.

“We’re very proud of the role the AFL and our affiliates had in this win. From our groundbreaking report on energy jobs to communicating with cabinet and numerous Members of Parliament, the labour movement worked incredibly hard to get Ottawa’s attention and convince them that these standards were absolutely necessary,” said McGowan.

“The next steps need to come from the provincial government. Alberta needs an industrial strategy to take advantage of the opportunities that the new energy economy presents and keep our province and our workers from being left behind,” concluded McGowan.

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John Ashton
Director of Communications, AFL