Email your MLA to demand safety before politics.

The Alberta government’s disastrous mishandling of COVID left our province with the highest rate of excess deaths in the country. 

Now, despite a crushing triple wave of COVID, flue, and RSV pushing our health-care system closer to the brink, Danielle Smith is outlawing mask mandates and threatening to defund organizations that put safety precautions in place. Yet, along with other contagious illnesses, COVID continues to hospitalize many Albertans and prevent many more from working. 

We need evidence-based policies to protect workers from getting sick. That includes stronger ventilation and air filtration standards, mask mandates and vaccine requirements when recommended by public health experts, and 10 days paid sick leave so workers aren’t forced to put their colleagues at risk by working while sick. 

Together, we can ramp up the pressure on our leaders and demand they take action to enforce safety standards. If our MLAs receive a flood of emails from the people who got them elected, we can influence them to enforce policies that protect Alberta’s workers and communities from illnesses like COVID-19. 

Email your MLA now and demand the Alberta government stop putting politics ahead of people’s health and safety. We’ve already drafted the email for you, so all you have to do is hit send.