MacKinnon report a prescription for disaster, says Gil McGowan – AFL

The Alberta Federation of Labour translates MacKinnon report Edmonton: “The MacKinnon report is a prescription for disaster and will not lead Alberta to prosperity,” says AFL president Gil McGowan. “It […]

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Labour Day Events 2019 – AFL

Check out these Alberta Labour Day Events Calgary & District Labour Council BBQ, Family EventCalgary Olympic Plaza, 228-8 Ave. SE, CalgaryMonday, September 2, 11:00 am to 2:00 Edmonton […]

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Proposed new rules permitting greater labour mobility for temporary foreign workers a step in the right direction – AFL

AFL calls on the federal government to reject pleas from employer groups looking to water down protections for temporary foreign workers EDMONTON – On the advice of the Standing Committee […]

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Alberta Farm Workers Day 2019 bittersweet

The Alberta Federation of Labour releases the following statement for Alberta Farm Workers Day 2019: EDMONTON – This year’s Alberta Farm Workers Day is bittersweet because, while we recognize that […]

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UCP government sets up biased panel to attack minimum wage – AFL

In past work-related reviews, the Alberta Federation of Labour was consulted, even under conservative governments EDMONTON – It is clear that the UCP government’s minimum wage ‘expert’ panel announced yesterday […]

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Early childhood education and care empowers women

Early Childhood Education and Care gives women greater freedom of choice for work, and can help them achieve their potential. How? Women with children without access to affordable high-quality child […]

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UCP’s ‘Job Creation Tax Cut’ shows no evidence of creating Alberta jobs – AFL

Here’s evidence the corporate tax cut is snake-oil, says AFL president, Gil McGowan EDMONTON – Oilsands companies Suncor Energy Inc., Husky Energy Inc. and Cenovus Energy Inc. reported Q2 income […]

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Kenney government should not reduce agriculture health and safety requirements – AFL

Alberta farms and ranches are the most dangerous workplaces in the province EDMONTON – Proposing to reduce health are safety requirements for Alberta farms and ranches is unconscionable, says the […]

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Kenney’s moves on trade puts ideology over Alberta workers – AFL

Gil McGowan, President of the Alberta Federation of Labour, today made the following statement: “Premier Kenney announced his government would unilaterally drop several exceptions to the Canada Free Trade Agreement […]

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Canada’s labour leaders encourage premiers to embrace universal pharmacare – AFL

SASKATOON – The presidents of federations of labour from across the country are in Saskatoon during the Council of the Federation meeting to encourage Canada’s premiers to embrace a public, […]

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Province-wide community BBQs to highlight fact investing in a universal child care program means investing in women – AFL

Alberta Federation of Labour hosts free BBQs in St. Albert, Calgary, Red Deer, Lethbridge, and Fort McMurray to highlight the value of high-quality centre-based child care for women Edmonton – […]

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Kenney shows contempt for workers and democracy – AFL

“What the UCP did in the Legislature last night was outrageous and insulting. And the bill they passed is illegal.” EDMONTON – The president of Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group, […]

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“If the UCP really wants to reassure public sector workers, they’d amend Bill 9” – AFL

AFL president calls on Premier to remove clause that gives cabinet “backdoor powers” to impose wage cuts EDMONTON – Gil McGowan, president of the Alberta Federation of Labour, has sent […]

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“Bully Bill” Will Give UCP Power to Impose Wage Cuts Without Negotiation – AFL

Kenney government trying to bypass both arbitration and bargaining, says AFL EDMONTON – Bill 9, the Public Sector Wage Arbitration Deferral Act, is much more draconian than the UCP has […]

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Alberta unions unite against UCP “bully bill” aimed at breaking legally-binding contracts – AFL

Labour leaders present united front against UCP’s latest attack on worker rights and collective bargaining Edmonton – Alberta labour leaders presented a united front today as they gathered at the […]

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Bill 2—Labour Law Changes – AFL

Bill 2—Labour Law Changes As part of Bill 2, the UCP has returned to a familiar tactic—interfering with union certification votes. In 2017, the previous government struck a strong balance; […]

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International experience shows youth wages kill jobs for older workers – AFL

Alberta Federation of Labour report debunks UCP’s youth minimum wage Edmonton: Why would the government, in this day and age, go backwards to a youth minimum wage, something that was […]

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UCP’s youth minimum wage cut regressive, discriminatory and will increase unemployment for 18-24 year-olds – AFL

The UCP government just tabled Bill 2, an attack on workers’ rights which included cutting the minimum wage for people under the age of 18 by $2. Why would the […]

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Working Albertans lose big with Kenney’s Bills 2 and 3 – AFL

Alberta moves to the back of the pack (again) when it comes to workplace rights and protections EDMONTON – The Kenney government’s Bill 2 and proposed Bill 3 are bad […]

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Bargaining in bad faith: attack on public sector begins – AFL

AFL supports UNA application to reopen arbitration EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) supports the United Nurses of Alberta’s (UNA) application to the Alberta Labour Relations Board to […]

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No evidence Kenney’s tax cut will create any jobs or stimulate Alberta economy – AFL

AFL does not endorse UCP tax plan for giveaways to profitable corporations EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour disagrees that Kenney’s “trickle-down” economic tax cut for profitable corporations will […]

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Gil McGowan and Siobhan Vipond re-elected to the Alberta Federation of Labour – AFL

At the conclusion of the successful 51st Constitutional Convention of the Alberta Federation of Labour both AFL Officers were re-elected. Gil McGowan will continue to serve in his role as […]

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What is life really like for Ontarians under Doug Ford? – AFL

AFL asks Ontario workers: what advice would you give Alberta voters this election? Edmonton- Jason Kenney famously said that he and Ontario Premier Doug Ford are so much alike that […]

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UCP plan will lead to 60,000 lost jobs over four years – AFL

AFL Releases Report on Employment impact of UCP and NDP fiscal platforms Edmonton– The Alberta Federation of Labour commissioned economist Hugh Mackenzie to provide an analysis of UCP and NDP […]

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