Bill 6 Is About Workers – AFL

Bill 6 Is About Workers “Debate over workplace law neglects those at the heart of the issue” Edmonton — “This debate should be about a group of workers who have […]

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Bill 6 FAQ – AFL

Here are answers to frequently asked questions about Bill 6 – Enhanced Protection of Farm and Ranch Workers Act

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Fighting for workers rights in Alberta’s agricultural sector – AFL

More than 50,000 Albertans work in the agricultural sector. They account for 2.6 per cent of our workforce — and until this legislation was introduced, they had few legal protections […]

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AFL applauds inclusion of Alberta’s agricultural sector in workplace laws – AFL

“The inclusion of agricultural workers in Alberta’s workplace laws is a victory for all workers” Edmonton – Alberta’s largest labour organization is celebrating the comprehensive inclusion of agricultural workers and […]

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TPP erodes labour rights – AFL

Deal bad for Canadian workers, great for foreign corporate giants Edmonton – The Trans-Pacific Partnership will erode the labour rights of Canadian workers. The trade deal, whose full text was […]

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Workplaces key in mental health – AFL

AFL urges workplace focus in government’s mental health care review Edmonton – Alberta’s workplaces have a key role in improving mental health care in the province. In a submission to […]

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Mental Health – AFL

Mental Health Is A Workplace Issue Work and mental health are intricately linked and creating appropriate policies and programs to promote mental well-being for workers and workplaces is an indispensable […]

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RDDLC Union Community Advocate Course – AFL

Graduates of this program will be able to go into the workplace and work with their local and assist co-workers to identify community resources. Before graduating, they will practice the […]

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Notley makes best of bad situation – AFL

Budget will help Alberta recover from slump Edmonton – Albertans are receiving good government in trying economic times. The Alberta Federation of Labour praised the provincial budget tabled today, noting […]

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AFL congratulates new government – AFL

Canadians rejected Harper’s divisive anti-union anti-Canadian wedge politics Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour offers its congratulations to Canada’s Prime Minister elect Justin Trudeau. The leaders of Alberta’s largest […]

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Statement from the AFL about the Premier’s Advisory Committee on the Economy – AFL

Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is pleased and proud that Siobhán Vipond, secretary treasurer and acting president, has been named to the Premier’s Advisory Committee on the Economy. […]

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CDLC Weekend Workshops – AFL

2015 CDLC WEEKEND WORKSHOPS All courses held at the CDLC Office (#321, 3132 – 26 St. NE Calgary) Register two weeks before each class: The CDLC at (403) 262-2390 or […]

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Retirement, the Economy, and Wellness in 2015 – AFL

BENCHMARK DECISIONS LTD. CALGARY SEMINAR When: 7:30 a.m. – 12 p.m., Friday, October 16, 2015 (Breakfast is provided) Where: The Ramada Plaza Calgary Airport Hotel & Conference Centre 3515 – […]

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Temporary Foreign Worker Program Approvals Based on Shoddy Data – AFL

Outdated, Inaccurate and Biased Wage Info Allows Businesses to Drive Down Canadian Wages Edmonton – The wage data used by government officials to determine which Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) […]

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Province Must Crack Down On Wage Theft – AFL

Business Owner Caught on Camera Threatening to Garnish Tips Edmonton – The province must be prepared to act quickly to crack down on bosses who steal their employees’ wages. After […]

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Minimum Wage Increase Long Overdue – AFL

Low-Wage Businesses Need to Calm Down and Stop Fearmongering Edmonton – Alberta’s business lobby should calm down about tomorrow’s increase to the minimum wage. As of tomorrow, Alberta’s lowest-paid workers […]

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Aspen Foundation Annual Appeal – AFL

Dear Friends: As Albertans and Canadians we have developed a society that has deeply held beliefs in the importance of caring for others and cooperating to improve our lives. One […]

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AFL December 6 Brunch – AFL

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. We remember the 14 women killed in the Polytechnique massacre, so that we continue to fight for a world without […]

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Let’s Talk Royalties Backgrounder – AFL

WHAT IS HAPPENING? The new Government of Alberta – following through on an election promise – has appointed a Royalty Review Panel to ensure Albertans get a fair price for […]

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Majority of Edmontonians Want Harper Gone … But They May Get Him Anyway – AFL

Riding-by-riding poll conducted by major national polling firm paints grim picture for majority of Edmontonians who want a change of government Edmonton – Polling conducted last week by a major […]

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Budget 2015 and 2016 Feedback – AFL

The Overview It is clear Alberta is facing a challenging fiscal landscape. But the problem has much more to do with revenue than spending. Past Progressive Conservative governments have been […]

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Workers Must Lift The Silence On Suicide – AFL

Workers Must Lift The Silence On Suicide Colleagues, employers, and work friends all have a role in suicide prevention Edmonton – Suicide prevention is a workplace issue. Across Alberta, more […]

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Farm Workers Day 2015 – yet another year farm workers denied basic workers’ rights – AFL

Farm Workers Day 2015 – yet another year farm workers denied basic workers’ rights It’s time for government to act. EDMONTON – As Alberta marks the province’s eleventh annual Farm […]

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Federal Election 2015 – AFL

Make sure you can vote in the Federal Election The writ has been dropped on the longest Canadian election in living memory. From now until October 19, candidates and volunteers […]

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