Parties gear up with full slate of candidates

The New Democratic Party has a candidate running in all 87 provincial ridings, beating even the ruling Tory government to full slate status. In Edmonton-Goldbar candidate Marlin Schmidt has been […]

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The Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Labour and Social Planning ordered a Mexican Consulate in Canada to conduct an anti-union campaign

Three former employees of the Mexican Consulate in Vancouver revealed before the British Columbia Labour Relations Board (in Canada) that they had received specific orders from Mexican public service employees […]

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Health inquiry won’t include intimidation allegations

Minister reaches out to medical association EDMONTON – Health Minister Fred Horne stood his ground on the nature of the province’s public health-care inquiry Saturday, indicating recent calls from representatives […]

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Dig deep to pay for schools

The province will be making announcements about new school projects in the next few days, Education Minister Thomas Lukaszuk told Alberta teachers at a pre-election forum Saturday. He added a […]

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The management of Alberta’s 171 billion barrels of proven oil reserves will be a major election issue, with political parties at odds about everything from upgrading to pipelines to environmental […]

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B.C. public-sector unions look for pay raises after net-zero contracts

VICTORIA – British Columbia’s governing Liberals prefer the terms “net zero” and “co-operative gains” to describe their plans to rein in the cost of public-sector contracts, but unions say what […]

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Media focus on senior dumped at Emergency Ward signals more trouble for Redford Tories

As shocking as it is an ambulance crew was used by a for-profit Edmonton nursing home to evict an 80-year-old grandmother afflicted with dementia and dump her at a public […]

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‘Nervous’ Tories said to be pushing for May election

EDMONTON – A group of “nervous nellies” within the Tory caucus have told colleagues they want the upcoming spring election pushed back into May to give the party more time […]

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Rivals enjoy field day in legislature as PC worries mount ahead of election

CALGARY — Alberta’s opposition parties are having a spectacular week. Day after day they pummel the PCs in the legislature, enjoying a free campaign platform courtesy of the Redford government. […]

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Family of evicted long-term care patient attacks plans for more privatization

Statements from press conference, 10:00 a.m., March 14, 2012 Family Statement, March 14, 2012 Noel Sommerville Statement, March 14, 2012 Family of evicted long-term-care patient attacks plans for more privatization […]

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Seniors home report cites lack of staff

Supportive living complexes may be unsafe, officials say Over a quarter of residents in Alberta’s supported living facilities may be unsafe because there is insufficient staffing and care for their […]

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Liberals question PC adherence to leadership campaign donation rules in the Legislature

Liberals Raj Sherman and Hugh MacDonald questioned the Redford government in the legislature Tuesday over the “generous” donations party leadership candidates received during last year’s contest, noting that one donor […]

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Tory pretensions give way to panic

CALGARY — Usually full of hearty PC cheer, the latest newsletter from Premier Alison Redford’s party to its members comes close to pushing the panic button. The looming campaign “will […]

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Wisconsin Recall Election Dates Set

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), his lieutenant governor and four Republican state senators will face voters in recall elections this spring under an agreement approved today by a Dane County […]

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Alberta family demands answers after elderly mother dumped at ER

Government rules allowed private, for-profit facility to evict senior in stable condition An Alberta family is demanding answers from the Conservative government after their mother, a long-term-care patient in stable […]

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Opposition opens fire at health-care town hall

In a preview of upcoming provincial election debates, Health Minister Fred Horne took on four party leaders Monday night in a town hall discussion on the future of health care […]

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Committee pay for Tory MLAs halted

Reimbursements by Opposition ‘stunts,’ Redford charges Premier Alison Redford on Monday ordered Conservative MLAs to stop accepting committee pay until a salary review is complete. She hasn’t, however, asked government […]

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Review law on campaign finance

When the business of politics is at its most cutthroat – which is to say during an election campaign – does a politician get what he or she pays for, […]

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Redford had chance on MLA pay and missed it

CALGARY — Blasted for days over the legislature committee that paid real money for fictional work, Premier Alison Redford must be kicking herself. The premier could have been the hero […]

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Government has failed to create long-term care beds

For years, every health-care expert in Alberta has said that one of the main solutions for better emergency room access is more long-term care beds. The government has said it, […]

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Proposed changes to Federal Skilled Worker Program gets nod from Canadian Construction Association

Proposed reforms to make Canada’s immigration system faster and more responsive are “bang on”, says one national construction association. In a recent speech to the National Metropolis Conference, Citizenship, Immigration […]

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Redford admits controversies dogging governing Tories are ‘troubling’ as provincial budget looms

‘These are the issues that we need to talk about in an election,’ premier tells reporters Premier Alison Redford remains committed to calling an election immediately after the provincial budget […]

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Reclaim Wisconsin: CUPE stands in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin

One year longer, one year stronger One year ago, after a month of extensive protest, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker illegally rammed through a union-busting bill through the state legislature in […]

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Opposition parties say they’re not part of illegal donations probe

Some funds are voluntarily being returned Alberta’s opposition parties say they aren’t under investigation in a controversy over illegal donations that has put the governing Progressive Conservatives under the scrutiny […]

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