



Government “debt party” an insult to Albertans
Jun 24, 1999

EDMONTON – Alberta Premier Ralph Klein has another thing coming if he thinks a few free hot dogs and drinks will make up for years of brutal budget cuts, wage […]

Massive budget surplus proves deep cuts were unnecessary
Jun 22, 1999

EDMONTON – News that the Alberta government is sitting on yet another massive budget surplus proves that Premier Ralph Klein and members of the ruling Conservative party greatly exaggerated the […]

LRB decision proves that Alberta labour laws are seriously flawed
Jun 9, 1999

EDMONTON – The decision to prohibit Alberta nurses from holding a vote on the latest contract offer from their employers proves that Alberta’s labour laws are seriously flawed, says the […]

Concerns of working people ignored in reorganization scheme
May 26, 1999

EDMONTON – Working people in Alberta are being short-changed by a plan announced earlier today to re-organize government departments, says the president of the Alberta Federation of Labour. Audrey Cormack […]

AFL expresses concern about new Human Resources minister
May 26, 1999

EDMONTON – The president of Alberta’s largest workers’ organization has some serious concerns about the man who has been appointed minister of the new Human Resources and Employment department. AFL […]

Day of Mourning Commemorates Workers Killed At Work
Apr 26, 1999

On Wednesday, April 28, Alberta workers will be marking the 4th International Day of Mourning in their worksites and at special ceremonies. The Alberta Federation of Labour, in conjunction with […]