



AFL convention begins tomorrow in Calgary
Apr 14, 1999

CALGARY – Two prominent union leaders will be featured speakers as the Alberta Federation of Labour kicks off its biennial convention tomorrow in Calgary. Several hundred union members and activists […]

Unions prepare to set a course for the 21st century
Apr 9, 1999

CALGARY – Hundreds of union members and activists from across the province will gather in Calgary next week to set a course for the Alberta labour movement as it prepares […]

Now More than Ever: An examination of the challenges and opportunities facing Alberta unions in the 21st century
Apr 2, 1999

Now More than Ever: An examination of the challenges and opportunities facing Alberta unions in the 21st century In this report, we will take a closer look at the future […]

Labour Rejects Panel Report on Bill 37
Apr 1, 1999

EDMONTON – Premier Ralph Klein will go down in history as the man who killed Medicare if he goes ahead with recommendations put forward by the so-called blue ribbon panel […]

Unions make plans to fight racism and discrimination
Mar 19, 1999

EDMONTON – A group of union leaders and activists from across Alberta with gather in Edmonton tomorrow to discuss strategies for combating racism, harassment and discrimination in the workplace and […]

“Order Government Negotiators Back To Work” AFL Tells Prime Minister
Mar 18, 1999

In a letter to the Prime Minister, the President of the Alberta Federation of Labour urges him to order federal government negotiators back to the table with a “substantially more […]