The AFL is reminding the Alberta College of Physicians and Surgeons that it has an overarching responsibility to the public when considering proposed guidelines allowing overnight stays in health facilities. […]
EDMONTON – Starting October 1, Albertans earning the minimum wage will see a slight boost in their earnings – but the increase offers little cause for real celebration, says the […]
The lock-out of Calgary Catholic School Teachers which began this morning is the inevitable result of years of provincial cutbacks to education says Audrey Cormack, president of the Alberta Federation […]
EDMONTON – Alberta’s Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) is continuing its “long-established practice of blaming the victim” when it comes to issues of workplace health and safety, says the president of […]
EDMONTON – The “customer satisfaction” survey that is being used by the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) to defend itself from mounting public criticism is deeply flawed and misleading, says the […]
EDMONTON – The Alberta Workers Compensation Board (WCB) does not always treat injured workers fairly, but replacing it with a system of private insurance will not fix the problem, says […]