



Temporary Administrative Position
Mar 2, 2015

Alberta Federation of Labour Temporary Office Administrator Convention Support The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is looking for a well-organized and highly motivated person to join our administrative team in […]

Prentice’s “Labour strategy”: nothing but an attack on workers
Mar 2, 2015

Instead of blaming public-sector wages, should look in the mirror Edmonton –Premier Jim Prentice needs to stop taking unprovoked potshots at Alberta’s public workers. At a speech to the Edmonton […]

Statement of solidarity to workers of Wisconsin from the Alberta Federation of Labour
Feb 25, 2015

Edmonton – Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan on the State Legislature of Wisconsin fast-tracking right-to-work legislation: “The Alberta Federation of Labour stands proudly with workers in […]

Prentice cuts will move Alberta to 8th place among provinces in terms of public spending
Feb 13, 2015

Cuts would weaken public services and deliver a significant blow to the provincial economy Edmonton – Proposed nine per cent cuts to government spending will drop Alberta to near the […]

Proposed budget cuts would drop Alberta to near the back of the pack
Feb 12, 2015

Cuts would weaken public services and deliver a significant blow to the provincial economy Edmonton – Proposed nine per cent cuts to government spending will drop Alberta to near the […]

Prentice budget cuts will deepen recession
Feb 11, 2015

Reckless PC spending cuts will make oil downturn worse for Albertans Edmonton – The nine per cent budget cuts proposed by finance minister Robin Campbell and Premier Jim Prentice will […]