Let’s Talk Royalties Backgrounder – AFL

WHAT IS HAPPENING? The new Government of Alberta – following through on an election promise – has appointed a Royalty Review Panel to ensure Albertans get a fair price for […]

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Majority of Edmontonians Want Harper Gone … But They May Get Him Anyway – AFL

Riding-by-riding poll conducted by major national polling firm paints grim picture for majority of Edmontonians who want a change of government Edmonton – Polling conducted last week by a major […]

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Budget 2015 and 2016 Feedback – AFL

The Overview It is clear Alberta is facing a challenging fiscal landscape. But the problem has much more to do with revenue than spending. Past Progressive Conservative governments have been […]

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Workers Must Lift The Silence On Suicide – AFL

Workers Must Lift The Silence On Suicide Colleagues, employers, and work friends all have a role in suicide prevention Edmonton – Suicide prevention is a workplace issue. Across Alberta, more […]

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Farm Workers Day 2015 – yet another year farm workers denied basic workers’ rights – AFL

Farm Workers Day 2015 – yet another year farm workers denied basic workers’ rights It’s time for government to act. EDMONTON – As Alberta marks the province’s eleventh annual Farm […]

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Federal Election 2015 – AFL

Make sure you can vote in the Federal Election The writ has been dropped on the longest Canadian election in living memory. From now until October 19, candidates and volunteers […]

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Report vindicates Albertans who rallied against Redford’s attack on public sector pensions – AFL

Report vindicates Albertans who rallied against Redford’s attack on public sector pensions

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Kids Camp 2015 – AFL

21st Annual Kids’ Camp “Environment” When: August 10 – 14, 2015 Where: Goldeye Centre near Nordegg on Goldeye Lake Ages: 8 to 15 years Registration has closed for the AFL […]

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Kids Camp 2015 – AFL

Theme: “Environment” The AFL Kids’ Camp is a 5-day residential program that combines summer activities with educational activities. The camp is open to children of trade unionists belonging to unions […]

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Vast majority of Albertans support workplace protections for agricultural workers – AFL

Despite years of promises, agricultural workers still excluded from provincial health and safety legislation

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Fort McMurray Airport’s TFW Plan Doesn’t Fly with Voters – AFL

Poll released in advance of Airport Board meeting shows Wood Buffalo residents want outsourcing plan grounded

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Norway’s Top Oil Man Urges Canadians To Think Like Owners – AFL

Former Director of Norwegian Petroleum Directorate Rolf Wiborg Addresses AFL Convention

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Temporary Foreign Worker Program – TFWP!

Introduction: Launched in the early 1970s, and originally intended for limited high-skilled, high-paying jobs, the Temporary Foreign Worker Program has grown into an economy destroying nightmare that is putting Canadians […]

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Election law muzzles advocacy campaign website that calls for corporate tax increases

Better Way Alberta campaign site will be shuttered to comply with law that ‘undermines free speech’ Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour will be forced to shut down its […]

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Court of Queen’s Bench throws out large sections of Alberta’s labour law

Government given one year to fix labour legislation that violates constitution Edmonton –Alberta laws that interfere with the right of public-sector workers to go on strike violate the Canadian Charter […]

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2015 Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan on the federal government’s April 1 TFW deadline

Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour President Gil McGowan on the federal government’s April 1 TFW deadline On the eve of the federal government’s April 1 deadline for Temporary Foreign […]

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Albertans paying more for less

Provincial budget hurts front-line services as government blames workers Edmonton – Alberta’s 2015 budget shows that the government has public services in the crosshairs. The budget, tabled on Thursday, March […]

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2015 Statement on the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racism

2015 Statement on the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racism True labour solidarity means addressing the economic exclusion of racialized and Aboriginal workers. This Saturday as part […]

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Misleading numbers undermine Tory credibility

Edmonton –The Progressive Conservatives are building their budget arguments on a foundation of deception. The Tories have put out numbers claiming that Alberta’s per-capita spending is above the national average […]

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2015 Backgrounder: How the Government Fudged Per-Capita Spending Figures

2015 Backgrounder: How the Government Fudged Per-Capita Spending Figures Backgrounder issued with New Release: Mar 11: Misleading numbers undermine Tory credibility

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2015 #PrenticeBlamesWomen

On International Women’s Day, the Premier of Alberta is framing his election campaign around an attack on women’s hard-earned equality gains Edmonton – The Alberta Federation of Labour is marking […]

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