AFL 53rd Convention: Workers Demand Better

Apr 23, 2023 at 9:30 am to 1:00 pm

Calgary TELUS Convention Centre

The 53rd Alberta Federation of Labour Constitutional Convention is carried out in accordance with the AFL Constitution, Article 1.4.0.  The dates for this next convention are April 20 – 23, 2023.

This year’s convention will be held at the Calgary TELUS Convention Centre (120 – 9 Avenue SE, Calgary, Alberta), and will be entirely paperless. Delegates and observers will need access to a unique email address (each delegate needs their OWN email address) mobile phone, computer or tablet with reliable internet (venue will have Wi-Fi) in order to access all of the documents. Login information, including voting access for those who have voting privileges, will be sent out ahead of the convention.

To see the UPDATED Convention Call, click here.

Other forms/information you might need:

Pre-Convention meetings will take place on Wednesday, April 19, 2023

The convention hotel is the Fairmont Palliser Hotel, 133 -9 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB.

To call the hotel directly dial 403-260-1286. This line goes into the in-house reservations office; indicate you are with the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL).

DEADLINE TO BOOK IN THE BLOCK IS March 16, 2023 (provided rooms are available)

This space will be updated as more information becomes available.

For information about the 2023 AFL Convention and related activities, email the AFL at or call 780 483-3021 or 1-800-661-3995 or fax 780-484-5928.

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