
PRESS RELEASE: Workers Demand Better at AFL Biennial Convention

Gil McGowan re-elected for two-year term as president

CALGARY – A record 503 delegates representing unions from across the province gathered in Calgary to demand better from employers and the provincial government at the 53rd biennual convention of the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL).

“Alberta workers should not be settling for less from their government or from their employers,” said McGowan. “With booming provincial government revenues and staff shortages, now is the time to stick up for ourselves and each other.”

Delegates called for the government to protect retirement security, to increase wages, to match inflation, and to fix staffing shortages in health care and education. They also committed to demand a better deal from private sector employers.

McGowan was re-elected to a two-year term as president. Karen Kuprys was acclaimed to another two-year term as secretary treasurer.

The convention included policy discussion panels, resolution debates, a forum with Members of the Legislative Assembly, and a large rally at Calgary City Hall, which turned into a support picket for the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) at the Harry Hays building.

“The PSAC strike is a sign of things to come,” said McGowan. “There are going to be workers across this province that both deserve and demand better from their working lives.”


John Ashton
Director of Communications, AFL
Phone: (780) 913-6518