Key talking points:
  • I am your constituent and I am calling to ask that the Alberta government commit to putting people’s health and safety ahead of politics.
  • The Alberta government’s disastrous mishandling of COVID left Alberta with the highest rate of excess deaths in the country. 
  • Now, a crushing triple wave of COVID, flu, and RSV is pushing our health-care system closer to the brink. 
  • COVID continues to hospitalize many Albertans, yet the premier is outlawing mask mandates and threatening to defund organizations that put safety precautions in place. 
  • We need to enforce evidence-based policies that protect workers from getting sick. 
  • That means better ventilation, mask mandates and vaccine requirements when recommended by public health experts, and a minimum of 10 days paid sick leave. 
  • Will you commit to putting people’s health and safety ahead of political agendas?

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