More proof the UCP is determined to bring American-style health care to Alberta – AFL


AFL calls on Albertans to join the fight to stop UCP from privatizing our health care EDMONTON – Firing Dr. Verna Yiu from Alberta Health Services to replace her with […]

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Alberta unions celebrate federal confidence-and-supply agreement with fingers crossed – AFL


This is an example of democracy working at its best EDMONTON – Alberta unions are celebrating today’s historic agreement between the federal government and Canada’s NDP, saying it has the […]

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‘Conservative premiers will bring in American-style health care if we don’t stop them,’ say labour federation presidents – AFL


Provincial labour federations join the plea to PM to invest and save Canada’s public health care EDMONTON – The presidents of provincial labour federations are putting pressure on the federal […]

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On International Women’s Day, the AFL calls on UCP government to ‘break the bias’ against women workers – AFL


UCP legislation and cuts contribute to Alberta’s highest gender pay gap in Canada EDMONTON – This year’s International Women’s Day theme “break the bias” stands in contrast to the Kenney […]

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Show us the science, Premier Kenney, says AFL – AFL


Politics, not public health, driving Kenney’s lifting of COVID protections EDMONTON – Premier Kenney’s lifting of almost all provincial COVID-19 public health protections today is too soon for our health […]

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UCP’s Budget 2022 shows failure to create good jobs for Alberta workers – AFL


Workers and families left out of Kenney’s plan EDMONTON – Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group says the UCP’s new “Alberta at Work” program doesn’t actually give Alberta workers what they […]

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UCP throne speech foretells less for workers, more for private corporations – AFL


EDMONTON – Alberta workers’ optimism about the future is key to Alberta’s economic recovery, but after three years of chaos and gloom under a UCP government they distrust, workers are […]

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AFL joins parents of students in court challenge to stop the lifting of mask mandates in Alberta schools – AFL


The order to end school masking is premature and reckless EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour, Alberta’s largest worker advocacy organization, has joined a group of parents of students […]

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Alberta health care workers call on their fellow citizens to help them push back against the UCP’s reckless decision to prematurely remove COVID-19 protections – AFL


“We’re tired of watching people die.” The following joint statement was released today from a coalition of Alberta health care unions: “On behalf of the more than 75,000 health care […]

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Health funding must deliver public health services, not private profits – AFL


We must stop the UCP plan to turn our health care into an American-style for-profit system EDMONTON – As Canada’s premiers ramp up their Canada Health Transfer campaign, Alberta’s largest […]

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“We can’t let anti-vax extremists dictate public health policy during a pandemic” – AFL


Worker safety should not be used as a bargaining chip, says AFL president in statement Statement from Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan EDMONTON – “We cannot let a […]

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The authoritarian bullies who are terrorizing Ottawa do NOT represent Alberta workers – AFL


AFL President Gil McGowan issues statement on “Freedom Convoy” Edmonton – “On numerous occasions over the past week, the so-called “Freedom Convoy” has been portrayed as an uprising of ordinary […]

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Is Jason Kenney criminally negligent? – AFL


AFL considers legal action on UCP COVID response EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) is considering legal action against the UCP government for its handling of the public-health […]

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WCB statistics show COVID-19 is a serious workplace hazard


COVID-19 one of the biggest causes of workplace illness and death in Alberta EDMONTON – Newly released data from the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) shows that COVID-19 is a serious […]

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AFL urgently calls on UCP government to mandate, provide N95s for all Albertans – AFL


Immediate action is needed to curb rising Omicron case numbers EDMONTON – The Kenney UCP government must immediately mandate and publicly provide respirators, better-fitting N-95 or KN-95 masks, to all […]

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Alberta’s largest unions call for temporary circuit-breaker measures to stop Omicron – AFL


The government’s inaction to date amounts to willful negligence EDMONTON – The leaders of Alberta’s largest unions and worker groups are calling for temporary circuit-breaker measurers to protect the health […]

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“We don’t trust you. Show us the evidence!” – AFL


On behalf of Alberta workers, AFL president demands to see the evidence used to justify UCP’s reckless 5-day isolation policy EDMONTON – The president of Alberta’s largest worker advocacy organization, […]

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Protect Alberta Workers From Omicron – Now! – AFL


“We won’t let worker health and safety be sacrificed on the altar of UCP politics again!” EDMONTON – A coalition of unions representing nearly 170,000 working Albertans has sent a […]

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Kenney, LaGrange and the UCP are targeting the ATA to silence an effective critic – AFL


Albertans trust teachers far more than they trust the UCP, says AFL The following is a statement from Alberta Federation of Labour president Gil McGowan: EDMONTON – After picking fights […]

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Controversial new election law should be called the “Jason Kenney Rescue Plan” – AFL


It’s designed to help Kenney save his leadership, wiggle out from RCMP investigation and silence one of his fiercest critics EDMONTON – The UCP gave Bill 81 the innocuous sounding […]

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AFL applauds federal announcement on paid sick leave – AFL


AFL president says it’s now Premier Kenney’s turn to step up and protect Alberta workers EDMONTON – The president of Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group is applauding today’s announcement confirming […]

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Alberta unions launch digital campaign aimed at raising the alarm about how the UCP’s Bill 81 undermines democracy in Alberta – AFL


Ironically, the campaign is exactly the kind of thing that would be outlawed if Bill 81 passes EDMONTON – Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), […]

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Alberta unions say they will not stand for UCP attempts to “take civil society out of our democracy” – AFL


AFL raises the alarm about the UCP’s authoritarian Bill 81 EDMONTON – The leaders of more than 20 Alberta unions are raising the alarm about the Kenney government’s Bill 81, […]

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Landmark child care deal is an amazing victory for working families and a testament to the power of civil society – AFL


“We should never stop celebrating this victory, nor forget how it was won: through the power of citizens working together in civil society.” The following is a statement from Gil […]

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