Jason Kenney may think he has vanquished unions, but he is about to “reap the whirlwind,” says AFL – AFL

Kenney’s arrogance and his radicalism is uniting Albertans in opposition to his dangerous agenda These are the remarks made by Alberta Federation of Labour president, Gil McGowan, in response to […]

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Jason Kenney’s anti-worker, anti-union Bill 32 will be challenged in the courts – AFL

Alberta unions will fight UCP efforts to turn Alberta into “Alabama North” EDMONTON – Unless major amendments are made to Bill 32 during this week’s session of the Alberta Legislature, […]

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The UCP has a BIG double standard when it comes to third-party political action spending – AFL

The real story on Bill 32 is NOT that unions spend money on politics; it’s that the UCP’s corporate supporters spend far more, and often don’t even bother to follow […]

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AFL responds to UCP lies on union advocacy campaigning – AFL

AFL shows that while Kenney was fabricating his camping trip, he was also distorting the truth about union political spending EDMONTON – So, it turns out that Jason Kenney lied […]

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The UCP bungled key COVID-19 policies at long-term care facilities and the Auditor General needs to investigate, says AFL – AFL

Lessons must be learned so we’re better prepared if we’re hit by a second wave EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour today asked the Auditor General of Alberta to […]

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Internal government documents suggest the UCP knows its anti-union Bill 32 is unconstitutional – AFL

“If the UCP has nothing to hide, release your legal opinions” says AFL EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) has released internal government documents obtained through the Freedom […]

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McGowan apologizes for using the Nazis as a point of reference in his criticism of the UCP – AFL

But he will continue calling out “the UCP’s authoritarian-inspired tactics” The president of the Alberta Federation of Labour, Gil McGowan, issued the following statement today. I, Gil McGowan, president of […]

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Implement Mandatory Masks for Enclosed Workplaces and Public Spaces, says AFL – AFL

Alberta Federation of Labour Executive Council passes motion calling on provincial government to act. EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour is calling on the Chief Medical Officer of Health […]

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Kenney’s union-busting Bill 32 is not just an attack on workers, it’s an attack on democracy – AFL

The UCP’s double-standard on unions vs. corporations will bring the opposite of balance to Alberta’s political stage EDMONTON – Why should unions, which already have robust systems for internal democratic […]

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“This is a dark day in Alberta history” – AFL

‘Bill 32 represents a fundamental attack on worker rights and democracy,’ says AFL These are the remarks that Alberta Federation of Labour president, Gil McGowan, made in response to the […]

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Kenney’s Economic Recovery Plan Fails Working Families on Child Care, Despite Strong Support for Action From Albertans – AFL

New poll shows that 78 per cent of Albertans want to see action on universal child care coming out of COVID-19 EDMONTON – In a recent poll done for the […]

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The UCP is about to introduce legislation aimed at importing dangerous U.S.-style anti-worker laws to Alberta, says AFL – AFL

Campaign aims to stop a race-to-the-bottom in terms of wages, bargaining power and workplace rights EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour has launched a campaign aimed at rallying public […]

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Kenney’s economic recovery plan will be meaningless if he pairs it with US-style wage suppression tactics – AFL

EDMONTON – Jason Kenney’s economic recovery plan won’t be worth the paper it’s written on if, as expected, he pairs it with a brutal attack on worker rights that strips […]

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Kenney’s child care cuts are making life less affordable for families – AFL

End of child care pilot program will mean fee hikes, fewer affordable spaces, and loss of progress towards a universal child care system for Albertans EDMONTON – The end of […]

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Alberta unions to Jason Kenney: Don’t you dare cut the minimum wage! – AFL

Online campaign aims to stop UCP from dropping Alberta’s wage floor EDMONTON – Yesterday, in response to questions from the opposition leader, Premier Kenney attacked previous minimum wage increases and […]

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Alberta unions urge passage of private member’s bill that would protect pensions and keep Alberta in CPP – AFL

EDMONTON – The leaders of public and private sector unions affiliated with the Alberta Federation of Labour are throwing their support behind Bill 203, The Pension Protection Act, a private […]

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Alberta unions give workers tools to blow the whistle on employers who aren’t taking COVID-19 seriously enough – AFL

ReturnSafe.ca campaign urges workers to know their rights and speak out against unsafe practices as the economy re-opens EDMONTON – As Jason Kenney announces plans to ramp up re-launching of […]

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Alberta’s Health Care Pandemic Pay Sucks – AFL

Fewer Alberta workers qualify for pandemic wage bonuses and the top-ups are smaller than other provinces EDMONTON – The UCP’s pandemic pay for frontline health care workers is lower than […]

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Alberta Federation of Labour Statement in Solidarity with People Protesting Systemic Racism – AFL

EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour stands in solidarity with the millions of people protesting systemic racism in the United States, here in Canada, and everywhere in the world. […]

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Forgotten workers caring for Alberta’s most vulnerable are being left out by UCP policies and programs – AFL

Government funded non-profit agencies and group homes have been left with no support for staffing or retention during COVID-19 EDMONTON – On April 20th, Health Minister Tyler Shandro publicly promised […]

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Alberta labour leaders demand that Kenney not stand in the way of paid sick leave for all

UCP must cooperate with the federal government to implement Trudeau’s promise of 10 paid sick days for all Canadians, says AFL EDMONTON – The following is a statement on paid […]

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Unions say Bill 1 could make Alberta a “police state” – AFL

Statement from union presidents asserts Bill 1 will limit freedom of assembly and freedom expression for workers as well as environmentalists and indigenous people EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of […]

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Kenney’s “Trumpian” narrative that COVID-19 is a disease of the elderly will lead to more infections and deaths – AFL

“This is the worst kind of message to be sending to Albertans as they return to work,” says AFL EDMONTON – Not only are Premier Jason Kenney’s comments about COVID-19 […]

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Child Care is crucial for Alberta’s economic recovery – AFL

Alberta’s unions call for proper funding and a robust system of child care as Alberta moves toward economic recovery EDMONTON – As more Albertans start to return to work and […]

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