Is Danielle Smith a threat?

Find out for yourself.

Is Danielle Smith a threat?

End the healthcare crisis.
If your leader drives away healthcare workers in a crisis, she’s probably a threat. It’s time to recruit and retain the healthcare workers we desperately need.
Keep Alberta in the CPP
If your leader gambles with your retirement, she’s probably a threat. We need to protect our retirement savings from political interference and ensure we can count on our CPP investments to be there when we need them.
Tie the minimum wage to inflation
If your leader is responsible for the lowest wage growth in the country as the cost of living skyrockets, she’s probably a threat. We need to ensure that wages keep up with inflation so Alberta’s workers don’t fall behind.
Send an email to your candidates
Sending an email to your local candidates is an easy way for you to make an impact, so don’t delay. Fill out the form and demand better for hardworking Albertans now.