PRESS RELEASE: Alberta workers mark COVID-19 pandemic anniversary with call for Long-COVID care


EDMONTON – Working Albertans gathered on the Legislature grounds to mark the third anniversary of the declaration of COVID-19 as a worldwide pandemic. The 5,000-plus Albertans who have died of […]

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Workers call on federal government to address OH&S impacts of COVID-19 pandemic


EDMONTON – A letter from Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) president Gil McGowan called on the Canada Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to focus on recruiting and retaining health […]

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AFL 2023 International Women’s Day Statement


This year’s #InternationalWomensDay theme #EmbraceEquity is a conversation that we all need to be having, not only in Alberta, but all over the world. With our current government’s continued attack […]

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BLOG: Workers demanded better in budget 2023 – but they didn’t get it


Huge Revenue growth shows little benefit for working Albertans. Workers have been demanding better from the UCP government Staffing shortages and cuts are impacting workplaces. Inflation and price gouging has […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Workers are demanding better after budget falls short


Health and Education ignored in face of massive, sustained, surpluses EDMONTON – Today’s Alberta budget failed to undo UCP damage to the health care system and public services, according to […]

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PRESS RELEASE: UCP can’t fix nursing crises of its own making


Paltry measures won’t make up the 9,300 nurse shortfall EDMONTON – The UCP’s attempts to make up for nursing staff shortages may fall well short of what Alberta needs, according […]

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BLOG: We’ll be short thousands of nurses in the next few years. Alberta needs to step up.


The Alberta government forecasts that we’ll be short nearly 9,300 registered nurses, registered psychiatric nurses, nursing supervisors, and licensed practical nurses by the year 2030. That’s according to the government’s […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Does the UCP have a secret plan to cut the minimum wage in rural Alberta?

There are good reasons to believe that’s exactly what they’re considering, says labour leader EDMONTON – The president of Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Union leaders urge feds to seize “the opportunity of the century” to create jobs in Alberta


Joint letter says federal budget should be Canada’s definitive response to massive American investment bill EDMONTON – In a strongly worded letter sent today, a group of Alberta union leaders […]

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BLOG: Privatized surgical facilities are bad medicine


The UCP government’s making a big deal about contracting out publicly insured surgeries to chartered surgical facilities. The basic idea is that the province outsources publicly insured surgeries to private […]

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PRESS RELEASE: Interest rate hike is another gut punch to Alberta workers

AFL President responds to Bank of Canada announcement this morning EDMONTON – The Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL) today expresses alarm as the Bank of Canada raised interest rates for the […]

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BLOG: UCP cut public health spending on a per-person basis in 2022


Despite a 2019 election promise to “maintain or increase health spending”, the UCP government actually cut public health-care spending on a per-person basis, according to recently information released by the […]

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PRESS RELEASE: UCP cut per-person health care funding in 2022


Alberta plummets to second-worst province in Canada for health funding EDMONTON – The UCP government cut health care spending on a per-person basis in 2022, despite a 2019 election promise […]

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Re-Invest in World-Class Post-Secondary Education


Alberta’s post-secondary education system has suffered decades of neglect. Aside from a modest reinvestment in buildings and infrastructure during the boom-fueled early 2000s, the default government approach towards post-secondary education […]

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The COVID-19 pandemic presented Albertans with unparalleled challenges. Although Albertans collectively committed to implementing protections that shielded our most vulnerable neighbours from harm, opportunistic politicians stopped treating the pandemic as […]

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Respect & Rights for Workers 


Hard-won laws to protect workers have not kept pace with the changing nature of work and new understandings of health and wellness. A growing number of workers are falling through […]

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Take Action to Fight Inflation


From gas to groceries, inflation is soaring to levels not experienced since the 1980s. Average Albertans cannot shoulder this on their own, and more and more working families are falling […]

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Invest in the New Energy Economy 


For many decades, Alberta’s economic prosperity has relied on precarious and volatile fossil fuel energy markets. Now, the world is moving away from fossil fuels and new industries are emerging […]

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Invest in High Quality Public Education 


In recent years, the Government of Alberta has cut and destabilized funding for public education, introduced wildly unpopular curriculum without input from experts, and encouraged the growth and expansion of […]

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Re-Invest in Public Health Care


Albertans can no longer depend on public health-care services to be there when we need them. Emergency rooms are overrun, ambulance wait times are putting lives at risk, and delays […]

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Union campaign aims to put worker issues front and center in upcoming provincial election


This election, workers demand better! CALGARY – Working people are Alberta’s greatest resource – and, now that all the political players are in place, the concerns and issues of workers need […]

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Better Way Alberta: Re-Invest in Public Health Care


Albertans can no longer depend on public health-care services to be there when we need them. Emergency rooms are overrun, ambulance wait times are putting lives at risk, and delays […]

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Better Way Alberta: Take Action to Fight Inflation


From gas to groceries, inflation is soaring to levels not experienced since the 1980s. Average Albertans cannot shoulder this on their own, and more and more working families are falling […]

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AFL reacts to Danielle Smith’s decision to abolish the Labour Ministry


“This shows that Smith doesn’t really care about Alberta workers,” says McGowan EDMONTON – The president of Alberta’s largest worker advocacy group says he’s shocked and disappointed that Premier Danielle Smith […]

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